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Under specific circumstances, we can apply full or partial reductions (remissions) or delay the requirement to pay rates for a set timeframe. Find out about when these policies can be applied, if you are eligible and how to apply.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please get in touch with our friendly rates team for a confidential conversation before rates are due. Phone our customer service desk on 06 835 9200 or email
We now offer weekly and fortnightly payment options in addition to the monthly or due date options we currently provide which enables you to break your rates down into smaller more manageable amounts.
We encourage you to contact the rates team by phone on 06 835 9200 or email to discuss how we can assist you.
We may be able to set up a plan that suits your individual circumstances.
See below for summaries of the different policies that we can apply, including the eligibility criteria for each, and how to apply. You can also read our full Rates Remissions and Postponements policy.
Under certain circumstances, you may be eligible for a rate remission, which could lead to a full or partial reduction in the amount of rates you owe. See below for a summary of available remissions and how to apply.
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Are you a ratepayer experiencing extreme financial hardship due to a climate event? We may be able to remit all, or part of your rates.
You need to demonstrate you are experiencing extreme financial hardship, through making an application in writing.
Printable application form: Remission of Rates on properties affected by Natural Calamity
Are you a ratepayer who has experienced extreme financial hardship because of changes to the way Regional Council rates were set?
The remission will be capped at 50% of the policy change impact only.
You need to demonstrate that you are experiencing financial hardship.
Printable application form: Hardship from Revenue and Financing Policy Changes
Are you a ratepayer who has been significantly impacted from the extension of the public transport footprint?
All applications must be made in writing to
This remission enables us to act fairly and reasonable when a rates payment has not been received by the due date.
All applications must be made in writing using one of the forms linked below.
Printable application form: Penalty Remission Application
The Māori Freehold Land Remission policy has been formulated for the purpose of ensuring the fair and equitable collection of rates from all sectors of the community by recognising that certain Māori-owned lands have particular conditions, features, ownership structures or other circumstances that make it appropriate to provide relief from rates.
The objectives of this policy are to:
All applications must be made in writing to
Our Remission for Uniform Annual Charges and Related Targeted rates policy allows for the following circumstances:
All applications must be made in writing to
Our policy for Remission of Rates in Special Circumstances provides for the possibility of a rates remission in circumstances that have not been specifically addressed in other parts of the Regional Council’s rating policy.
All applications must be made in writing to before the due date of the payment.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /