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Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has received the following applications for resource consents (discharge permits) under the Resource Management Act 1991. These applications are to replace the existing consents associated with the operation of the existing Te Paerahi and Pōrangahau Wastewater Treatment Plants for a period of six and nine years respectively while construction occurs for a replacement.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has received applications for resource consents (discharge permits) under the Resource Management Act 1991. These applications are to replace existing consents associated with the operation of the existing wastewater treatment plants over time and to transition to new consents for discharges from a combined wastewater treatment plant and land discharge scheme.
Application Number: APP-126770
Applicant: Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has received the following applications for resource consents (discharge permits) under the Resource Management Act 1991. These applications are to replace the existing consents associated with the operation of the existing Te Paerahi and Pōrangahau Wastewater Treatment Plants for a period of six and nine years respectively while construction occurs for a replacement.
At Pōrangahau, wastewater is conveyed from the community to the oxidation pond adjacent to the Pōrangahau River at the end of Jones Street for treatment. Wastewater is discharged to a small drain flowing into the river.
At Te Paerahi, wastewater is conveyed from the community to the oxidation pond within coastal sand dunes. Wastewater is discharged from the plant to a small discharge field via soakage
A consent is also sought for the replacement system being discharge of treated wastewater from a new combined wastewater treatment plant and storage facility and the establishment of a land-based discharge system.
The applications are publicly notified in accordance with section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Full Details of the Application (which includes an assessment of environmental effects) may be viewed at:
If you have any queries about the application or how to lodge a submission, contact Paul Barrett (Team Leader Consents) at HBRC on (06) 835 9200 or email
Submissions for these applications closed at 5.00pm on 17 May 2022.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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