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The applications are for consent to take and use groundwater from the Ruataniwha Basin under the Tranche 2 allocation framework set out under the Tukituki Catchment Plan (Plan Change 6).
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has received the following applications for resource consents (water permits) under the Resource Management Act 1991. The applications are publicly notified in accordance with section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
The Applicants of Tranche 2 have appealed the decision that was made to Decline the Applications and the Environmental Court have served the Appeal. One Applicant (Purunui Trust, APP-125281) did not appeal.
Notice of Appeal (without attachments) - Ruataniwha T2 Application - 3 May
One Applicant (Purunui Trust, APP-125281) did not appeal.
The approval for the Extension to 45 days from 15 days has been approved and the new Appeal Due By date is the 3rd May 2023
Decision [2023] NZEnvC 044 - I&P Farming Ltd & ORS
The hearing panel released their decision on the Applications on the 27th February 2023. The Decision was to Decline the Consents.
Ruataniwha Tranche 2 Decision Final.pdf
The applicants’ evidence for the hearing has been provided. It is available below under 'Supporting Documents – applicants’ evidence'
The supplementary s42A report from the HBRC processing planner is now available along with further review comments from the Council’s technical advisors (PDP).
Supplementary s42A report
Further review comments
Te Mauri o te wai
Tranche 2 – Ruataniwha Minute 3
Tranche 2 – Ruataniwha Minute 2
Memorandum of counsel for applicants responding to Memorandum 1
Joint Witness Statement for groundwater modelling
Joint Witness Statement for Well Interference
Joint Witness Statement followuing conferencing of freshwater ecology experts.
18 October 2022
The applicants have revised the groundwater modelling and the updated report is available here.
The Hearing Panel has issued a minute providing direction on expert conferencing and evidence circulation leading up to the hearing. The Hearing is scheduled to be held starting of 15th November. Further details about the hearing will be made available soon.
The HBRC s42A report and evidence has now been circulated. These are available at the links below (see Supporting Documents, HBRC Report and evidence).
The applicant has requested that the hearing be deferred until November. The Hearing Panel has agreed to this request. Further details and directions from the panel will be available soon and will be shown here’.
Letter from Commissioner Cowie
The applicant has provided updated/further information. This is available at the links below (see: Supporting Documents, July Reports).
HBRC has received a further technical review memo. At this stage a hearing is planned for early July. Further information about the hearing dates and process will be provided soon.
Submissions have now closed and 72 submissions were received. The applicants are taking some time to undertake some further assessment and to meet with some submitters to discuss and clarify the applications. It is also anticipated that pre-hearing meetings will be arranged and held later in March, with a hearing likely in July. All parties will be advised once pre-hearing meetings have been organised. Please note that there may be a need to hold these meetings virtually due to Covid restrictions and considerations.
Application no. |
Applicant |
Tranche 2 groundwater volume applied for (m3/year) |
Application description |
Property location |
APP-123563 |
Te Awahohonu Forest Trust |
4,914,920 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from four existing wells (well no’s 16563, 16592, 16593 and 5515) and up to two new wells to irrigate up to 850 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Mangaonuku Stream. |
Gwavas Station - 5740 State Highway 50 and 97 Matheson Road, Tikokino |
APP-123991 |
Springhill Dairies Partnership |
1,005,213 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from well no’s 1518, 5167, 3870, 4593, 4122 and 5497 to irrigate up to 188 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Mangaonuku Stream. |
Cnr Tikokino and Makaroro Roads, Tikokino |
APP-123541 |
Tukituki Awa Ltd |
952,400 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from up to four new wells to irrigate up to 135 ha of pasture and crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Tukituki River. |
406 Tukituki Road,Takapau |
APP-123547 |
Plantation Road Dairies |
3,751,225 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from well no. 4830 and up to three new wells to irrigate up to 459 ha pasture and crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Kahahakuri Stream. |
1404 Ongaonga Road, and Wakarara Road, Ongaonga |
APP-123565 and APP-124498 |
Papawai Partnership |
1,475,517 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from well no’s 16508 and 1859 to irrigate up to 320 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture to and to augment the Waipawa River. |
1041 State Highway 50, Ongaonga |
APP-123566 and APP-124500 |
I&P Farming Limited |
1,200,010 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from up to two new wells to irrigate up to 310 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture and to augment an unnamed tributary of the Tukituki River. |
337 Ongaonga -Waipukurau Road, Ongaonga |
APP-123546 |
Buchanan Trust No. 2 |
1,145,794 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from well no. 16408 and up to three new wells to irrigate up to 243 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Ongaonga Stream |
19 Ngaruru Road, Ongaonga |
APP-125281 |
Purunui Trust |
1,575,000 |
To take and use Tranche 2 groundwater from up to three new wells to irrigate up to 175 ha of pasture, crops and/or horticulture and to augment the Waipawa River |
385 and 375 Swamp Road, Ongaonga |
The applications are for consent to take and use groundwater from the Ruataniwha Basin under the Tranche 2 allocation framework set out under the Tukituki Catchment Plan (Plan Change 6). A maximum of 15 million cubic metres of groundwater is proposed to be taken by the group of applicants each year from wells screened at more than 50 m in depth. Abstracted groundwater is to be used for irrigation and for release into various rivers and streams to augment surface water flows. The applicants seek 20 year terms of consent.
Various – see Table above and Figure 1 below.
The Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) and other information for these applications may be viewed on this page, or is available at our offices (HBRC offices, 159 Dalton Street, Napier and 26 Ruataniwha Street, Waipawa)
Figure 1. Location of proposed groundwater abstraction (from Aqualinc, Ruataniwha Basin Tarnche 2 Groundwater Modelling, dated 3/11/2021).
Submissions for this application closed at 5.00pm on Friday 17 December 2021.
If you have any queries about the application please contact:
Paul Barrett - Team Leader Consents, Policy & Regulation Group
Phone 06 835 9200
Dalia Zarour - Consents Planner, Policy & Regulation Group
Phone: 06 835 9200
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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