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Heretaunga Plains Groundwater Quantity Area

Water permits within the Heretaunga Plains Groundwater Quantity Area are part of a large group of replacement consents affected by the TANK Plan Change (Plan Change 9).

The Tūtaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū (TANK) Plan Change decision was released in September 2022 and introduces new provisions to manage water allocation from this area.  This decision establishes that the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer is to be managed as an over-allocated resource.

Read more about the TANK Plan Change

To reduce this overallocation, when assessing applications to replace existing water take consents, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council must now consider Actual and Reasonable Use (ARU)

 ‘Actual and Reasonable’ use is a test brought in by the TANK plan change. It will be used to determine how much water can be re-allocated to you.

Actual and Reasonable Use:

  • Can’t be more than the volume specified on your expiring water permit, or the amount you applied for if that is for less water;
  • AND, if either of these numbers are available, the smaller of these numbers:
    • The maximum annual volume of water taken and recorded by an accurate water meter between May 2010 and May 2020; or
    • For irrigation takes, the crop water requirement calculated using the crop water calculator IrriCalc (which assumes 80 percent efficiency and a 95 percent reliability of supply).

In practice, this approach seeks to reduce the water that has previously been allocated to consent holders, but which has not been used within any water year during the reference period of May 2010 to May 2020. This will mean that many consent holders will not be re-allocated the same volume of water they have been in previous consents.

Hawke's Bay Regional Council sent out provisional estimates of each applicant's Actual and Reasonable Use  in December 2023. For more recent renewal applications, if you have not yet received a provisional estimate of your Actual and Reasonable Use (ARU), the Hawke's Bay Regional Council will send provisional estimates of each applicant's ARU as they are assessed. 

Many applicants have asked for more guidance on what information they can provide to support their applications for annual volumes that exceed the Council's initial estimate. This information is provided below, along with some examples.

Consenting pathways

The TANK Plan Change sets out two pathways for replacement consent applications for the taking and use of groundwater in the Heretaunga Plains Groundwater Area:

  1. Where the amount of water sought is considered to meet ARU, TANK Rule 8 applies.  The application will be assessed as a Restricted Discretionary Activity.  Some adjustment for insufficient data and crop rotation/development phases can be provided for where appropriate, which is discussed below: What information can be provided?
  2. Where the amount of water sought is more than what is considered to be ARU, TANK Rule 10 applies.  The application will be assessed as a Discretionary Activity, and therefore the matters set out in TANK Policy 34 become relevant and set out when allocation beyond ARU may be acceptable. 

Any allocation of water beyond ARU is considered to exacerbate the overallocation of the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer and may be more difficult to gain consent for.

Guidance document

Click to view full size PDF

Renewal guidance document

How to get in touch

If you are wanting to supply more information, please use the form on this page.

Please contact us by emailing at if you wish to make any changes to your application or have any other questions.

Next steps

I have now received the provisional estimate of my actual and reasonable water use, what do I do?

Do you accept this volume?


Let us know that you accept this volume and your consent will continue to be processed under TANK Rule 8.

New consents will be processed on a non-notified basis and are likely to be granted for a duration of up to 10 years. Consents issued before any appeals to the TANK Plan Change are decided will give more certainty of the volume of water allocated for the duration of the new consent.

Conditions of consent will be included that:

  • Set limits on the rate of take (L/s), 7 or 28 day volumes and an annual volume
  • Specify a crop type and irrigation area
  • Require installation of a water meter and telemetry of the take, where the rate of take exceed 5 L/s
  • Require well security and back flow prevention, over the life of the consent
  • Require efficient irrigation in line with industry good practice, and periodic auditing of irrigation system efficiency
  • Require a contribution to a Stream flow maintenance and habitat enhancement scheme, when applicable.


Read through our guidance document.

Use the form on this page to send us more information.

What information can be provided?

Under TANK Rule 8 your provisional estimate of ARU may be amended after taking account of:

i) the completeness of the water meter data record
ii) water use volumes being reduced by any restrictions or bans imposed
iii) the effects of water sharing arrangements
iv) crop rotation and development phases

Examples of information that can be provided:

In order to show that there is insufficient data, the Council will be looking for information on the areas and crop types that were irrigated (or areas that were out of production) during the time when data is available compared to the areas and crops irrigated when data is not available.

The Council will take into account that 2019/2020 was a comparably dry year.

The applicant must demonstrate how a year without water use data would have been higher than a year for which there is data. This information might include planting records, aerial photos, production records etc.  The more information you can provide the better.

Example Applicable Rule  
A water meter was installed in 2014. The maximum recorded use is in 2019/2020. The applicant provides evidence/records that at this time there was an area of the orchard that had been removed and can show that in 2012/13, prior to a water meter being installed, and also a dry year, that the full orchard was in place. 8 An example of insufficient data, can be accounted for within Actual and Reasonable and remain within Rule 8.
A consent has a minimum flow and was on ban during 2012/2013 and 2019/2020 meaning that all of the  water needed could not be taken.  8 An example of insufficient data, can be accounted for within Actual and Reasonable and remain within Rule 8. This would involve looking at the pattern of use leading into the ban period, the modelled/expected use for the irrigated crop type and area and the length of ban periods over which water could not be taken. 

Information on crop rotation/development phases could be provided to show the pattern of cropping across the 2010-2020 period, or evidence of factors that may have reduced actual use. This might include planting or production records to provide evidence of the different crops grown and when they were grown, evidence of young trees/vines being in place (or out of production) for any year which could have reduced the recorded water use.

The more information you can provide the better.

Example Applicable Rule  
There is meter data for an orchard from 2016. Maximum use is recorded in 2019/2020. Development of the orchard meant that 20% of the orchard was in young trees in 2019/2020. The lower water demand of young trees is a crop development phase that can be accounted for. 8 The increased need for water for older trees could be used to adjust the ARU volume, provided evidence is provided to support this.
An orchard is purchased in 2016, and there is no water meter data preceding this. The old trees are removed, and new varieties planted in 2017 and 2018. A new well and irrigation infrastructure has been developed. In 2019/2020 the trees were small, and the water use recorded does not reflect what is required with mature trees. The new owner has spent significant capital redeveloping the block, during the reference period. 8 This is part of typical crop rotation/development for orchards and water should be allocated based on Irricalc for the planted orchard area as of 2 May 2020.
As above, but redevelopment took place after 2 May 2020 10 Consideration for additional water for the rootstock shown to be ordered as of 2 May 2020. Otherwise, additional water should not be allocated based on development occurring after the reference period.
A cropping property changed ownership in 2021. Low water use crops were irrigated sporadically over the reference period between May 2010 and May 2020 and recorded water use is relatively low. The new owner is planting high water demanding crops and will use more water.  This planting will occur after 2020. 10 There was no rotation of this nature during the reference period. The volume allocated should be based on what was used, or if there is proven to be insufficient data, on what was in place over the reference period.
An old orchard is in place and the well on the orchard has been tamper tagged/sealed. No water use has occurred over the reference period. The owner wishes to lease the orchard to a new party who will remove the trees and replant with a new system and tree variety in winter 2024. 10 This is not a crop rotation or development phase that occurred during the reference period. It would fall to be assessed under Rule 10 and POL 34 and it may be difficult to achieve water being allocated because water is not required for the crop type/area/system grown over the reference period.

Information to support increases in water use for programmed and staged development could include information of the area of land and crop type planted and irrigated as of 2 May 2020 compared to the areas subsequently planted and the crop type, bearing in mind the date that rootstock were ordered.  It could also include information outlining what measures or steps were taken towards giving full effect to the development that were in place prior to 2 May 2020.

Example Applicable Rule  
A consent for a property authorises irrigation of 50 ha of grapes. As of 2 May 2020 only 30 ha is planted. The applicant plans to complete planting over the over the 2023/2024 season and orders rootstock in 2021. They apply for retention of the full allocation based on the consented area.  10 Outside of Rule 8 as not Actual and Reasonable. Discretionary Activity under Rule 10, but may not meet requirements of POL 34. Allocation will be based on what is planted as at 2 May 2020.
As above, but evidence provided that rootstock has been ordered before 2 May 2020. 10 Outside of Rule 8 as not Actual and Reasonable. Discretionary Activity under Rule 10.  Additional water could be considered for the area planted and for which rootstock orders had been made under POL 34.

Under TANK Rule 10, Policy TANK 34 allows Council to take into account any water above ARU required as part of a programmed or staged development that is specified within the existing water permit if:

i) the consent holder can demonstrate that existing investment is dependent on water use over and above Actual and Reasonable use, and
ii) the specified activity or development has not lapsed during the resource consent duration, and
iii) the activity or development is integral to the on-going operation of the activity or development for which the permit was issued, and
iv) where applicable, water demand is calculated for rootstock only where there is evidence of a contract for the supply of that rootstock existing as at 2 May 2020

Information that may be provided to support increases in water use at rates or amounts greater than historic levels of water use as defined by Actual and Reasonable use, include:
i) Details of the existing investment that would be affected by capping water use to historic levels.
ii) evidence of programmed future development or staged growth that was dependent on access to increasing water use available.
iii) the degree to which the water use complies with industry good practice in relation to the water use activity, including adoption of technology, production systems and efficient water use.
iv) the degree to which the amount of water being applied for was depended on in making investment decisions.

Online form

Request for allocation volume higher than the Actual and Reasonable Use (ARU) provisional estimate.

Follow this link if the form fails to load. online form.

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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