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Information for resource applications for extraction of sand, gravel or other material from the bed of any river or lake.
If you intend to undertake small scale extractions of sand, gravel or other material from the bed of any river or lake you will need to ensure you can comply with the permitted activity terms and conditions.
You are permitted to remove up to one cubic metre of material total from Hawkes Bay Rivers provided you meet this criteria:
No extractions of more than 0.25 m3 of gravel at any one time, and
The total quantity of gravel extracted by any person shall not exceed 1 m3 per year.
If you wish to extract any volume above one cubic metre over any 12-month period the activity is considered a large-scale extraction.
This activity has two choices when applying with for Council authorisation:
Apply to work as an Authorised Extractor under the Regional Council-held Gravel Extraction consents (the ‘Global Gravel Consents’). For these applications, contact:
Apply for a private resource consent for extraction through our Consents Planning Team - generally for applications outside the area of the Global Gravel Consents held by the Regional Council.
To find out where gravel extraction is underway, and the volumes involved, see our gravel extraction map.
You can also check our FAQs below.
Please read the following documents and information before applying for a consent.
Please note:
Different rules apply to consents within the coastal environment governed by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan.
Applications for gravel extractions within the Regional Council's Global Consented Gravel Extraction Area should seek the services of the Regional Assets Team in the first instance. Should circumstances require a private resource consent to extract in this area applications can be made to the Consents team.
River gravels supply a valuable resource that is used in multiple ways by the community. When extracting gravel from rivers there is a risk of adverse effects on river channel integrity if it is not extracted sustainably. Sustainable access to gravel includes consideration of location, extraction methods, and reasonable volume.
You will require a resource consent to extract large scale of sand, gravel or other material from the bed of any river or lake outside the River Scheme Global Consent Area if the activity does not comply with terms, conditions and standards of either Rule 73 of the Regional Resource Management Plan OR Rule 55 of the Regional Environment Coastal Plan.
Land use consents to extract gravel can be a complex and tricky process. You may benefit from engaging an engineer to assess effects of the proposed abstraction on gravel allocation, bed stability, any existing structures nearby, flow of the watercourse, etc.
You may need to engage other experts such as ecologists to assess what the impact of your activity is likely to be on the waterway (water quality and instream ecology) and birdlife.
Please read the relevant guidance notes to assist you in filling out the application form -
Applications can be lodged and emailed to or delivered by hand to any of our offices. Please check the front page of your applications Form A for full lodgement instructions.
You can contact a Consents Advisor by telephoning +64 6 835 9200 or emailing us at We will be happy to answers any questions about the consenting process.
A resource consent is a legal document. Keep it in a safe place and check it regularly to be sure you are fully aware of conditions.
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If the extraction site is located within the Hawkes Bay Regional Council Global Gravel Extraction area, please send the enquiry to the gravel’s office in the first instance (Regional Asset Management).
If the extraction is located outside the Hawkes Bay Regional Council Global Gravel Extraction Area you will need to apply for a resource consent with the consents team.
Yes, there are additional costs associated with processing a private resource consent compared to applying for an allocation under the Global Gravel Consents. The authorised extractor process through the Regional Assets Team has lower associated costs.
Where your application has been declined through the global consent process, you have the option of approaching the consents team regarding opportunities for a applying for a resource consent.
Please note the consents team rely on the same information the gravels team do to allocate gravel and may not be able to allocate any additional volume.
Section 58 of the Ngāti Pāhauwera Treaty Claim Settlement Act 2012 restricts anyone taking hāngi stones from the bed of the Mohaka or To Hoe Rivers without the written consent of the trustees of the Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust.
Any gravel extraction from these rivers is likely to result in the taking of hāngi stones, whether this is the intent of the extraction or not, as such approval is needed from the Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust prior to HBRC being able to process or issue a resource consent.
If written approval is not obtained it is considered unlawful to extract Hangi Stones from the Mohaka or Te Hoe Rivers.
Please start a dialog of consultation with Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust prior to submitting the application. This will ensure understanding of the location, volume, timing to provide you with feedback on cultural effects.
If you do not own the land you proposed to use for accessing the area of gravel to be extracted from, please ensure you have approached the landowner before submitting a consent application. Excessive vehicle movements along the river corridor should be avoided as much as possible.
Photographic evidence (with a scale) or drone footage of the proposed extraction site is required for the River Engineering team to undertake the required initial assessments.
If the proposed extraction site has not been surveyed by the council there may be a site visit with engineering to gather information on the extraction site during the consenting process.
Activities to take gravel can include a number of conditions, depending on the nature of the activity and the sensitivity of the surrounding environment, eg. requirements to undertake nesting bird surveys etc.
We expect the applicant to have undertaken a feasibility assessment on their own exclusive of the consenting process. Hawke's Bay Regional Council does not guarantee the quality of the material, only allocates the volumes available to ensure a sustainable volume is extracted.
If you hold a resource consent to extract gravel, you will be required to pay compliance monitoring for that consent.
In addition to direct compliance monitoring of your consent, you will be required to pay a gravel extraction fee based on the volume of gravel extracted.
The gravel extraction fees cover the costs borne by the Regional Council to monitor the state of rivers, the impact of gravel abstraction on flood carrying capacity, and on the ecological, cultural and other values of the rivers.
For more information, see our current Annual Plan and associated Fees and Charges Schedule.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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