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The Water Allocation Calculator (WAC) is a tool that helps us improve the accuracy, consistency and visibility of water allocation reporting and consenting.
The Water Allocation Calculator tool helps us to report on water allocation. It allows us to see how much water HBRC has to resource consents, as well as how much water is available for consent from the remaining allocation limits as laid out in our Regional Plans.
The amount of water currently allocated under resource consents is tracked using the Water Allocation Calculator (WAC) and sums up all water allocated to water permits in each water allocation zone that is specified in the regional plan. It compares the sum of what is allocated against the applicable allocation limit where one is set.
At Hawke's Bay Regional Council, the Consents team issue resource consents for the taking of water across the Hawke's Bay Region. During the consenting process, consent planners allocate water and set maximum water take conditions based on how much water is available in specific zones. The consenting process is guided by the Regional Plans which lay out the maximum amount of water that can be taken from various zones across the Hawke’s Bay Region.
This information from the WAC tool is used by HBRC to track water allocation levels and to inform the consenting process. This information may also be useful when considering whether or not to apply for a consent to take water and to help you prepare an application for consent.
Tracking allocated water with the WAC tool improves the accuracy, consistency and visibility of water allocation across Hawkes Bay. The tables below demonstrate the current allocation of water against the operative Regional Resource Management Plan (RRMP) where these have been set. The allocation limits set within the Tukituki chapter of this plan are shown in a separate table. The WAC will be updated as new limits are introduced through plan changes and reviews.
Please note: You may not see the river or stream that you are interested in listed in these tables. This is because an allocation limit has not yet been set for that river or stream.
As part of both statutory and operational requirements HBRC track the amount of water that has been consented across the region and have the ability to compare this to the appropriate allocated limit set by the Regional Plan.
The tables below demonstrate the current allocation of water against the operative plans RRMP, including the Tukituki catchment. This information is used within the HBRC to support the consenting processes, but it can also be used by people who are interested in lodging a water permit application consent as an initial look at the current status of water allocation in rivers and atreams within current allocation limits in Hawke's Bay. (See our full disclaimer on this page)
This information is updated twice daily, at 08:30am ad 12:30pm. It provides an indication of water allocation in Hawke’s Bay rivers and streams that currently have specified allocation limits in an operative Regional Plan. Allocation levels change over time, as decisions are made on application, or if consents expire or are surrendered. (See our full disclaimer on this page)
You can contact the Consents Advisor +64 6 835 9200 with any questions about the consenting process.
Note: the tables only display data for Plan zones, rivers and streams that currently have specified allocation limits. Zones without current allocation limits in the Regional Plan are not displayed.
The Regional Resource Management Plan (RRMP) is the most significant resource planning document for all resource users in Hawke’s Bay. It includes the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) and sets out a policy framework for managing resource use activities in an integrated manner across the whole of the Hawke's Bay region.
The RRMP sets allocation limits for some rivers and streams. The water allocation table below summarises the amount of water allocated though water permits against any specified limits that have been set by the RRMP (Policy 74 Table 9).
Changes are currently proposed to the RRMP. The TANK Plan Change (Plan Change 9) introduces new allocation zones and limits for groundwater and surface water across the Heretaunga Plains and TANK catchment. When the TANK plan becomes operative an update will be made to the RRMP allocation table below. Find more information on TANK here.
Please also refer to the Tukituki catchment water allocation table further down this page.
Plan Change 6 was made operative on 1 October 2015, and is now a Tukituki specific chapter of the RRMP. Allocation limits are set for surface water and groundwater zones within the Tukituki Catchment. The Tukituki water allocation table below summarises the amount of water allocated through water permits in each of the specified allocation zones.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council reserves the right to change the content and/or presentation of any data at its sole discretion, including these notes and disclaimer. Use of this data is subject to these disclaimers and exclusions and by using the data the user is signifying his or her agreement to be bound by these exclusions and disclaimers.
This information provided by Hawke's Bay Regional Council is given in good faith. All proper endeavours are made to provide information that is accurate and current. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of information, and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by a user in reliance on the information.
Our standard disclaimer applies to all information on this website. Please read our disclaimer information here.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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