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The Essential Freshwater package is a new set of regulations and standards which aim to restore and protect the health of New Zealand waterways within a generation.
The Hawke’s Bay community values healthy waterways for recreation, drinking water, mahinga kai, ecological health and to support industries such as farming and tourism.
The Essential Freshwater package is made up of several policy documents and regulations that requires landowners, farmers and communities to put the health of our waterways first. The new national rules in the National Environmental Standard for Freshwater and regulations will provide certainty and clarity for our communities. We will need to work together to achieve the improvements we all want to see. Achieving healthy waterways for Hawke’s Bay is everyone’s responsibility.
At Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, we are responsible for implementing the new regulations and rules, and monitoring compliance. We will work alongside the region’s rural landowners and our urban residents to provide information and support as the new rules roll out.
We are already underway with a work programme to implement the new Essential Freshwater rules, including information about when each new rule will apply and what rural landowners will need to do. We are taking an “education first” approach to the implementation of these changes and working proactively with the community to ensure the understanding of new requirements and obligations.
At the heart of the new Essential Freshwater regulations is the concept framework of Te Mana o te Wai.
Te Mana o te Wai recognises the vital importance of New Zealand’s freshwater, whose health is integral to the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of communities.
The Essential Freshwater regulations put the health and wellbeing of water before providing for human health needs, and then other uses.
At Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, we are responsible for implementing the new regulations and rules, and monitoring compliance. We will work alongside the region’s rural landowners and our urban residents to provide information and support as the new rules roll out.
We are already underway with a work programme to implement the new Essential Freshwater rules, including information about when each new rule will apply and what rural landowners will need to do. We are taking an “education first” approach to the implementation of these changes and working proactively with the community to ensure the understanding of new requirements and obligations.
We know there are a lot of changes to take in and understand. We’re here to help.
If you would like more information about the new rules and how they might affect you please call 06 835 9200 and ask to speak to our consents team if it’s about whether you need a resource consent. You could also email Find more information about applying for a resource consent.
Visit our Farmer’s Hub to find out more about the specific requirements under the Essential Freshwater package.
The Government is still developing some other national rules, including for stormwater and wastewater discharges, and developing more details on the mandatory freshwater farm plan modules.
The Government is providing some funding for freshwater initiatives, in particular the Freshwater Improvement Fund and Te Mana o te Wai Fund. For more information visit the MfE website.
A new freshwater planning process was introduced in the Amendment to the Resource Management Act (August 2020).
The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM 2020) has also been updated, coming into force on 3 September 2020.
Together, these two changes mean that we will review all freshwater provision in the Regional Resource Management Plan to implement the NPS-FM 2020. By law we must notify the proposed new freshwater provisions for every catchment in Hawke's Bay by 31 December 2024. The new freshwater planning process will be used in the hearing and decision-making process.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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