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Each property owner in Hawke's Bay contributes to the work of Hawke's Bay Regional Council through their rates. Find out about the different ratings charges and the work these fund, as well as how to read your rates invoice.
Each property owner in Hawke's Bay contributes to the work of Hawke's Bay Regional Council through their rates. Our region covers Wairoa, Hastings, Napier, Central Hawke’s Bay and parts of Taupo and Rangitikei districts.
We manage natural resources on your behalf, such as water and air quality, land sustainability programmes, and coastal, wetland and habitat protection. We also manage regional programmes such as flood protection, biosecurity, transport planning, regional economic development and regional civil defence emergency management.
Hawke's Bay property owners pay two sets of rates.
Your local city or district council rates are charged by Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Wairoa District Council and Central Hawke's Bay District Council to fund services to your property such as water, sewerage, waste management, as well as amenities in your local community including roading, parks and reserves, libraries and community halls.
The Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) is a fixed charge applied to every separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a property. This is calculated as a percentage of the total rates within the range of 20-30%.
Targeted rates are based on location and the benefit you might receive from the service they are used to fund. They are based on either the property’s capital value, land value, area or a fixed charge applied to every separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a property.
This includes rates such as CDEM Emergency Management, Subsidised Public Transport, Flood or Drainage Schemes, Primary Pest Production, Water Quality, Land Research & Science Monitoring, Sustainable Land Management, Economic Development and Healthy Homes (Clean Heat). Read more about the work these rates fund below.
The general rate is based on your property's capital value. The general rate funds the remaining cost of council activities not covered by the above.
This rate is charged to all ratepayers as a Uniform Charge. This rate helps pay for a range of activities to benefit our communities by meeting regional civil defence and natural hazard management preparedness, resilience and response needs.
For full programme descriptions visit the HBCDEM website.
Napier and Hastings ratepayers will pay a new targeted rate to meet the cost of planning for coastal hazard management. A predicted sea level rise of up to 1.5 metres over the next 100 years will require major changes to the protective structures and intervention along our coast so we will need to pay for the preparation planning.
Find out more at HB Coast
This rate is charged across the region to fund economic development initiatives.
The rate is funded by capital value or a fixed charge depending on the land use of the property:
In line with the Regional Economic Development Strategy 2011, the Regional Council has committed to supporting the following key outcomes:
The main purpose of the Flood Control schemes is to provide protection from flooding from the major rivers up to the design standard, nominally a 1 in 100 year return period event. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council provides flood and drainage protection and management in a number of areas around the region. Rates are based on either the land area or capital value of a property.
Within scheme areas, there is also provision for the maintenance of the stream capacity by keeping specific waterways clear.
Find full scheme descriptions on our Flood Control Schemes page.
These rates together are the ‘General Funding’ rates that support the community based activities that the Regional Council provides in the region.
General Funding rates pay services provided by the Regional Council across the entire region, such as governance, strategic planning and regulation.
This Clean Heat Targeted Rate is charged only on ratepayers with property within a designated urban footprint and is based on land value. If this item is not on your rates bill, your property is outside the area of benefit.
Like all other regions in New Zealand, Hawke’s Bay must meet the National Environmental Standard (NES) for air quality set by the Ministry for the Environment. Currently PM10 concentrations in Napier and Hastings on cold clear nights exceed this standard. Read more about the work we do to monitor and research air quality.
This rate funds the monitoring and analysis of environmental information and research investigations on matters relevant to policy development and regional plan implementation.
This rate funds pest management activities in our rural valuation rolls to protect and manage specific animal and plant pests, that may damage or threaten our natural environment.
This rate is charged only on ratepayers in Napier, Havelock North, Hastings, Whakatu, Clive and Bay View and the surrounding areas, to help plan, promote and provide public transport services in and around the main urban centres.
See the Rating Footprint map for Public Transport here
As well as this rate, public transport is paid for by fare-paying passengers, and the NZ Transport Agency funding. These services are managed by the Regional Council and operated by GoBus Transport Ltd.
This rate also covers the Total Mobility Scheme which provides subsidised taxi travel to assist Hawke’s Bay residents who are unable to use public transport due to a significant, permanent impairment.
Find out more on our transport pages.
This rate funds sustainable land management and monitoring activities to ensure good land management practices and regulatory compliance.
This rate funds 20% of the costs associated with performing science investigations and the monitoring of the region’s freshwater resources. The remaining portion is covered through the general rate and through user charges.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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