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Our Port - Have your Say

Published: 3 October 2018

On 20 August 2019, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council completed an initial public offer of 45 per cent of the shares in Napier Port Holdings Limited and the Port  being listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange.

With proceeds realised from this transaction, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council provided $110 million to Napier Port to enable the Port to invest in its future growth, including a new wharf, with remaining proceeds for the Regional Council to invest on behalf of all ratepayers.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council retains a 55 per cent majority shareholding in Napier Port and has two Council-affiliated directors on the Board of Napier Port Holdings Limit.

About the proposal

Napier Port is a vital piece of infrastructure which enables our economy. We have a small yet dynamic and hard-working, community-owned Port, which we all value.

The challenge we now face is how to best fund our Port’s growth. The Port needs between $320 - $350 million of investment over the next decade to enable it to grow to keep pace with demand. A new wharf is the first step in this investment programme and will cost approximately $142 million. Construction of the new wharf will need to begin in 2020 to be ready to use in 2022.

We received approximately 3,500 submissions - a record for the Regional Council. Informed by submissions, hearings (to be held on 4-5 December) and the public meetings held through the consultation period, the Regional Council intends to make a decision on how best to fund the Port’s growth before the end of 2018.

We are leaving all of the documentation and supporting materials on this website throughout the decision-making process.


If you make a submission you have the option to speak at a Regional Council hearing.  This is an opportunity for anyone interested in the proposal to present their views to the Councillors directly. Please let us know in your submission if you want to speak  (including using New Zealand sign language) and we will contact you to arrange a time for you to present.  Our hearings will be held 4-5 December 2018.


Index of all Submissions received - Index of Submissions by Last Name

Hearings Timetables (as of 2pm 29Nov18) - Hearing timetables 

Submissions by Option chosen – all with no comment or reason are listed at the back:

Option A submissions received

Option B submissions received

Option C submissions received

Option D submissions received

None of the above submissions received

Social Media feedback received - Our Port Social Media Analysis


Talking Point on the consultation by HBRC Chair Rex Graham

Consultation booklet: Our Port - Have Your Say

Port congestion: video

Busy Port time-lapse: video

Comments from HBRC Chair: Rex Graham video

Comments from HBRC Chief Executive: James Palmer video

HB A&P Show 'Our Port' lunch: video (James Palmer and Todd Dawson)

Supporting Information

The following documents were adopted by the Regional Council as supporting information for the consultation document Our Port - Have your Say:

Napier Port Summary Review of Capital Structure Options, PWC
Wharf 6 Development Justification, Napier Port
Long Term Plan 2018-28 Proposed Amendment, HBRC

Other information

Letter of Support from Napier Port to HBRC
Information on the resource consent application for the proposed new Wharf 6 from HBRC's website and Napier Port website
All documentation relating to the Capital Structure Review
2018–28 Long Term Plan

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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