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PanPac Forest Products Ltd - submissions now closed

Published: 25 July 2017

A1 HBRC logo for media release

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has received an application from Pan Pac Forest Products Limited for a resource consent:

Consent Number: CD170262W and CL170267O

  • to occupy the coastal marine area with an outfall pipe and discharge diffuser.
    Coastal Marine Area (CMA), offshore adjacent to 1161 State Highway 2, Whirinaki (see the application for further details).
  • to discharge (i) treated process wastewater from the manufacture of wood pulp, (ii) treated process wastewater from the manufacture of lumber, (iii) treated process wastewater from the treatment of water, and (iv) leachate from a landfill after treatment, into the coastal marine area through an outfall pipe and diffuser

at 1161 State Highway 2 Whirinaki.

This is being publicly notified on 25 July 2017.

Full details of the application, the assessment of environmental effects and other information are in the links below. Please contact Reece O’Leary, Senior Consents Planner phone (06) 833 8071 for any questions about the application.  For information on how to lodge a submission or view the application you may contact Consents Administration on 06 833 5477.

Submissions closed on Tuesday 22nd August 2017.

HBRC Application

Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects

Submission guide

Submission Form (13)

Public Notice

Location Map

Council’s Direct Referral Report (Section 87F Report)


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