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Regional Transport CommitteeTe Komiti Ara ā-takiwā

This committee includes Regional Councillors and appointees from transport interests and other councils in the region. The aim is to prepare the Regional Land Transport Strategy and Regional Land Transport Programme for approval by the Council, and to consider any other issues related to transport which have a regional impact.

Terms of Reference


Chair: Martin Williams

Deputy Chair: Jerf van Beek

1x Māori Committee - Api Robin

One representative, as appointed by Council, from each of the following organisations, being:

  • Wairoa District Council: Mayor Craig Little, and Councillor Jeremy Harker as alternate
  • Hastings District Council: Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst, and Councillor Tania Kerr as alternate
  • Napier City Council: Councillor Keith Price and Mayor Kirsten Wise as alternate
  • Central Hawke's Bay District Council: Mayor Alex Walker, and Councillor Kate Taylor as alternate
  • New Zealand Transport Agency: Linda Stewart and Sarah Downs as alternate.

View agendas and minutes online here



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