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Our telemetry project will upgrade equipment and communication at key sites to improve our monitoring capability and resilience.
The Regional Council has telemetry sites across the region. The equipment at these sites monitors and measures changes in our environment and climate. All the information is sent from field sites to our telemetry base by cell or radio. We can communicate data by satellite at some sites.
Read more about our existing telemetry network
The telemetry project will enable Regional Council to address site issues identified during and after Cyclone Gabrielle and make necessary improvements.
This involves choosing locations and upgrading sites to provide more reliable data and gain better insights following the cyclone.
Each location will be equipped with two sensors and two forms of communication to improve resilience. This will increase monitoring and provide better information for more accurate and timely flood forecasting. The locations will also have improved backup solutions in case of power or communication failures, adding to the network's resilience.
Funding for this project comes from an agreed package between Central Government and Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
The project team is currently in the planning phase. All the telemetry sites that need upgrading have been identified, and the scope of work for each site is being finalised.
Site work has commenced on the Esk River at Berry Road, with earthworks being carried out and retaining walls being constructed. The telemetry equipment has been relocated and is working correctly.
This phase includes identifying stakeholders, risks, reviewing options, project briefing, and initial budgeting.
This phase includes site investigations, procurement, network review and designs, and stakeholder engagement.
This phase includes contract activities, management, surveillance, quality assurance, and practical work completion.
This phase covers the handover, commissioning, and review activities, with final approval from the project sponsors.
Request more information about the project
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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