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Learn more about Matariki: Regional EconomicDevelopment Strategy for Hawke's Bay.
Matariki is the Regional Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan for Hawke’s Bay.
Organisations from across Hawke’s Bay (councils, iwi, businesses and government agencies) are responsible for different projects. The focus is on working together to grow jobs across the region, increase household incomes and raise Hawke’s Bay economic performance.
For more information visit the Matariki website.
The Regional Council has direct responsibility for seven actions under Matariki (Regional Economic Development Strategy).
Key Partners: the Regional Council, Napier Port, NZTA.
Freight in and out of Hawke’s Bay is projected to grow by 50% by 2042 and Napier Port is predicting growth in both imports and exports over the next 10 years. The Napier Port Access initiative is comprised of three projects.
Key Partners: Councils, Iwi, Hapū, NZTA.
The top six of 13 prioritised activities for the region are:
The projected cost of the Regional Transport Committee’s top three actions within the Land Transport Plan is: Whakatu: $19.5m (Split between NZTA & HDC), Pakowhai Links: $8.5m, SH2 Napier Road: $6.5m
There is a joint commitment with the Regional Transport Committee and Tairawhiti to work on State Highway 2 proposals. Funding for a Business Case for this route has been announced and that work will commence soon. On 30 June key stakeholders undertook a field trip inspection of the rail corridor.
Key Partners: Councils, Iwi, Hapū, Private Sector, EIT, MPI.
Water Storage has been identified as an important mitigation for the adverse environmental impacts on our region's freshwater resources arising from climate change. Water Storage also provides resilience for the primary sector by providing greater water security. Land use change driven by irrigation in favour of horticulture also simultaneously results in greater economic benefits and lower environmental impacts.
Key Partners: MPI, WDC, Private Sector.
Whakaki Catchment Project – this is a Ministry of Primary Industries project involving the Regional Council and Wairoa District Council. It seek to identify problems and investment opportunities for a 6,000ha catchment with severe soil erosion and water quality issues. Possible solutions include tourism, sustainable land use and land use change (horticulture) and climate change mitigation. Close to $100,000 is being sought for a co-design approach, expected to take 4 to 6 months, which has the potential to be the catalyst for a full business case, which will in turn enable an application for funding from various sources.
MPI staff and contractors have commenced engagement with landowners and Whakaki lake stakeholders.
The Regional Council is leading two projects as a part of this action. First is a Sustainable Land Management & Climate Change project with Landcare Research focussing on climate change adaptation in the Primary Sector. The second is an internal project that undertakes a stocktake of Council's current carbon footprint and offset, as well as a broader policy stocktake of what criteria need to be established for assessing climate change risks and how we should evaluate against those criteria.
Both projects will be presenting updates to the Regional Council Environment & Services Committee on 12 July.
Work is yet to get underway on this project.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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