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The Tukituki dashboard is a tool for landowners to determine the DIN status of your sub-catchment.
The Tukituki Catchment was the first of Hawke's Bay’s catchments to have a plan change which sets specific targets for improved water quality and ecosystem health. The Regional Council is working with landowners and communities living in the Tukituki Catchment, to manage specific water quality issues. Poor water quality and a decline in natural (biodiversity) values need to be resolved. The aim is to sustainably manage the land and freshwater to enable recreational use, ecosystem health, safe drinking water, decreased algal growth, enhanced mauri and the use of water for primary production and processing purposes.
These dashboards have been developed to help landowners determine the ecosystem health of their sub-catchment and identify whether or not they require a resource consent. The Tukituki Catchment Plan sets water quality limits for levels of DIN. The catchment is divided into 17 sub-catchments, each of which has a monitoring site from which monthly samples inform council as to the status of the sub-catchment. If a catchment is exceeding the DIN limit of 0.8 mg/L (based on an average of 5 years of sampling data), then ALL properties (over 4 ha, excluding low intensity farming systems) within the subcatchment will be required to have a Land Use Resource Consent from 1 June 2020.
If you have any questions about resource consents please contact a regional council Consent Advisor – 06 833 8090
We have created specific dashboards for each sub catchment in the Tukituki, and you can find these in the following ways:
Currently Mangaonuku and Kahahakuri sub-catchments are exceeding DIN limits based on a minimum of five years average of monitoring data. The limit is 0.8 DIN mg/L (except for Makaroro which is 0.15 DIN mg/L) average over 5 years of sampling. That means that the sub-catchment has been sampled monthly for 5 years, checking the nutrient concentration and other water quality metrics.
The limit is 0.8 DIN mg/L (except for Makaroro which is 0.15 DIN mg/L) average over 5 years of sampling.
If a sub-catchment is exceeding DIN, but 5 years worth of data is not yet available, the site will be shown in amber. Once five years of data becomes available and the DIN exceedance is confirmed, a Resource Consent will be required within six months of notiication by the Regional Council.
Further sub-catchments expected to exceed DIN and require a Tukituki Land use resource consent are: Tukipo, Porangahau, Maharakeke and Upper Tukituki Corridor.
The limit is 0.8 DIN mg/L (except for Makaroro which is 0.15 DIN mg/L) average over 5 years of sampling.
If the sub-catchment is below the DIN limit, the site will be green and no further action is required at this time but it may in the future.
Disclaimer: Three catchments - Mangarara, Makara and Hawea – share one sampling site at Makara Stream at Lawrence Road because it’s logistically difficult to sample the lower reaches of these subcatchments. Regional Council sampling over two years has confirmed this is acceptable for DIN compliance purposes.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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