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New Zealand has more than 50 species of native freshwater and sports fish. It’s important that instream structures such as culverts and weirs are designed to allow for fish passage, so that fish can move upstream and downstream between different river and stream habitats and complete their lifecycle.
Culverts, weirs, flap gates, installed after 3 September 2020 must meet minimum reporting requirements such as height, width and location under the Essential Freshwater regulations. Culverts, weirs and flap gates must meet minimum environmental conditions for fish passage and may need a resource consent.
While the new regulations do not apply to instream structures installed before 3 September 2020, it is still important to ensure those structures provide for fish passage. There are options for remediating or retrofitting structures to help fish passage.
The New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines set out how to design instream structures that allow for fish passage.
Under national and regional rules, the installation, alteration, maintenance and removal of some structures is a permitted activity – and therefore does not require resource consent – only if you can meet the specific requirements outlined on this page.
The National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020 (NES-F), introduced new national regulations for fish passage to be considered alongside regional rules in the Regional Resource Management Plan.
These rules apply to all new instream structures, both temporary and permanent.
There are two main requirements under the NES-F.
Details on what information you will need to provide us depend on the type of structure and are outlined in the sections below.
For more information on how to collect and submit information to us, see "Reporting back to us", below.
The following national and regional rules apply if you are carrying out works to install or maintain a temporary or permanent culvert:
If you cannot meet any of these requirements, you will have to apply for resource consent.
The following national and regional rules apply if you are carrying out works to install or maintain a temporary or permanent weir:
If you cannot meet any of these requirements, you will have to apply for resource consent.
The following national and regional rules apply if you are carrying out works to install or maintain a temporary or permanent flap gate:
If you cannot meet any of these requirements, you will have to apply for resource consent.
When installing a structure in a waterway, you must provide information about the structure to us within 20 days of it being installed. Information must be provided for both permitted and consented activities.
All of the information can be collected and submitted to us using the Fish Passage Assessment Tool (FPAT), a mobile app maintained by NIWA that is free for anyone to use.
Examples of the information commonly required include:
See the links provided under the rules for each type of structure for the specific information requirements.
If you think you may require a resource consent, please contact us at 06 835 9200. We can arrange for you to have a free pre application meeting with one of our consent planners.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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