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Here at HBRC our team is committed to taking action and making change. Learn more about our contribution.
We know as an organisation we need to walk the talk. We’re aware of our impact and have a plan in place to achieve net zero carbon certification by 2025. We aspire to engage and motivate others on the journey to achieving a carbon neutral Hawke’s Bay by 2050.
To track our progress we review our carbon footprint annually, and we’re taking actions to reduce our emissions.
Find out more about actions:
The key contributors to our carbon footprint are fuel, energy use and air travel. Whilst our carbon emissions have been decreasing over time, we are now establishing a more strategic approach to our biggest emissions contributor, fuel. The focus on this approach will be to reduce overall fleet emissions through annual replacement schedules without impacting the services we provide.
See the Corporate Carbon Footprint sections in our Organisation Performance Reports.
With a large amount of land under our management in parks, trails, rivers and lakes, the Regional Council has a significant number of carbon credits gained from trees we have planted over time.
While we are not yet certified by an independent third party, we estimate we are more than able to offset our emissions through our existing plantings. We are in the process of developing a carbon trading policy document and aim for our organisation to be certified carbon neutral by 2025.
Internationally, we know that greenhouse gas emissions from Information Communication Technology (ICT) account for around 2% of emissions. In 2022, we engaged Resilio and locally based Mōhio to review the sustainability of our ICT systems and practices to estimate our environmental impact and suggest improvements.
As a result of this review, in 2023 we will be introducing the following actions:
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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