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Essential information for all Hawke’s Bay landowners or occupiers about your responsibility as a bore owner, for water testing and bore security. You should ensure your bore does not leak water into or from the bore.
There are as many as 8,000 bores into groundwater across the region for home supply, stock water, industrial use, processing and irrigation. This is information for all Hawke’s Bay landowners or occupiers about your responsibility as a bore owner, for water testing and bore security.
Useful leaflet: Your well water might be making you sick
If you have a bore on your property you have an obligation to maintain, monitor and treat your own water. You should ensure your bore does not leak water into or from the bore.
The Regional Council advises self-supply bore owners to sample and test their water annually at a laboratory for E. coli, total coliforms, elevated levels of arsenic, and Drinking Water Standard parameters. Groundwater from private bores may contain some higher levels of naturally-occurring arsenic and fail the acceptable level for drinking water. Elevated arsenic levels occur naturally in groundwater, due to specific materials being present in the aquifer. The release of arsenic from surrounding materials is local to specific bores and does not occur consistently throughout aquifer systems. Water is considered safe to drink if it meets levels set out in the Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations 2022.
Information on water sampling is available from laboratories who can perform analysis:
People wanting health advice or who have specific health concerns about their water should talk to their GP. For information on what test results might mean in terms of risk to health, refer to this handout or call the on-call Health Protection Officer on 06 878 8109. The Regional Council works with Napier and Hastings Councils and the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board in matters concerning the environment and public health.
Drilling, construction and alteration of bores requires a bore permit. This is a Controlled activity in the Regional Resource Management Plan, which requires bores to be cased and sealed to prevent aquifer cross-connection and leakage from the surface into groundwater.
You must ensure that cross-connection and ingress of surface water is not occurring. Failure to do so may result in degradation of water quality that others depend on. Enforcement action may be taken by the Regional Council if a bore is found to be inadequately maintained and managed, leading to contamination.
Each bore permit includes the following conditions:
Contact details for Council approved Bore Security Providers
Your local well driller or any Irrigation NZ Blue Tick certified irrigation specialist can advise on bore security and decommissioning.
See diagram below
Bore permits are issued to allow bores to be drilled. They are not transferred when ownership changes. Landowners are therefore responsible for maintaining any bores on their property to ensure they remain cased and sealed, and that there is no cross-contamination.
Bores that are no longer wanted must be properly decommissioned or sealed. Leaving an unwanted or leaking bore that is not consented can result in contamination and the Regional Council may take enforcement action to prevent this.
You do not require a resource consent to decommission a bore (Permitted activity) but you must ensure the following requirements can be met:
You can view this Rule in the RRMP (click on the PDF link for the Full Version and go to p 123, 6.3.1 BORE DRILLING & BORE SEALING Rule 4.)
Obtain additional information about the existence/location of bores on your property by using our mapping tool.
We welcome anyone who wants to discuss any queries or concerns about their bores to contact us on 06 835 9200 or 0800 108 838 or
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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