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This page is designed for passenger transport providers. You will find information about the Public Transport Management Act 2008. You will also find information about your obligations as a transport provider in the Hawke's Bay Region.
In accordance with the Public Transport Management Act 2008, a regional council must keep a current register of all commercial public transport services registered by it.
Public Transport Management Act 2008.
A register of transport services helps the regional council to plan public transport within the region and determine where it may wish to fill gaps with contracted services.
Part 2 section 31 of the Public Transport Management Act 2008 requires any person who proposes to operate a commercial public transport service to give written notice to every regional council in whose region the proposed service is to operate, no less than 35 working days before the commercial service is to start.
This does not apply if the commercial public transport service does not pick up or drop off passengers in the region.
Intending operators of commercial passenger transport services in the Hawke’s Bay region are required to complete the appropriate registration forms (forms can be downloaded below). Completed forms should be returned to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council with a copy of your Passenger Service Licence, no less than 35 working days before the commercial service is to start.
The regional council will register a passenger service within 30 working days of receiving a notice of the application if the service is accepted.
In cases where the registration is declined, the regional council will notify the operator of the proposed service within 15 working days of receiving a notice of the proposed services, explaining the reasons for the intention to decline and the operator’s rights under section 52 to appeal a final decision.
Grounds for declining to register commercial public transport services are:
An operator must give notice of no less than 35 working days before the variation of the commercial service is to take effect.
Grounds for declining to vary registered commercial public transport services can be seen in part 2 section 37 of the Public Transport Management Act 2008.
Application to register a non-scheduled commercial passenger service
Application to register a scheduled commercial passenger service
Application to vary or withdraw a registered service
Completed forms and a copy of your Passenger Service Licence should be posted to: Passenger Transport, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /