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You can find out about each of the Regional Council's strategic documents, using an infographic showing how these relate to Acts of Parliament.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council is responsible for developing plans, policies and strategies.
A Regional Policy Statement is a mandatory statutory document under the Resource Management Act 1991. The RPS provides an overview of the resource management issues of the region and the ways in which integrated management of the region's natural and physical resources will be achieved. It provides policy direction to resource users and local councils through stating objectives, policies and methods but does not contain rules. The RPS applies to the entire Hawke's Bay region, including the coastal marine area (offshore to approx. 22km).
The RPS is included in the RRMP.
The Regional Resource Management Plan is the most extensive resource planning document for Hawke's Bay under the RMA. It includes the RPS. Besides the RPS content, the RRMP is the preeminent regional plan for air, land and freshwater resources (but not the coast – refer RCEP below). The RRMP includes the regional plan objectives, policies, methods (including rules) for that part for that part of the region, excluding the coastal environment.
The Regional Coastal Environment Plan is a regional plan required under the RMA for the region’s coastal environment. The RCEP includes regional plan objectives, policies, methods (including rules) that are applicable within the ‘coastal environment’ (which is mapped in the RCEP).
Every NZ council must prepare a Long Term Plan every three years under the Local Government Act 2002. The LTP’s principal purpose is to outline the council’s priorities in the medium to long term, together with the Council's intentions (i.e. projects and key activities) for the next 10 years. The current LTP covers the 2021-2031 ten-year period.
For each of the two years in between the 3-yearly cycle of LTP preparation, every NZ council must prepare an Annual Plan. Hawke's Bay Regional Council publishes its Annual Plan in the intervening two years between Long Term Plans (LTP) for the community to consider, make submissions and assist in developing the work programme of the Council. While it is still a robust planning process, it has less detail than the LTP and mostly reports on exceptions or changes.
Every NZ council must prepare an Annual Report summarising the council’s activities and expenditure for the previous financial year (1 July to 30 June). The Annual Report is Council’s statement about the progress made toward the goals and targets identified in the previous year's LTP or Annual Plan (whichever is relevant for that financial year).
In July 2024, the Regional Transport Committee submitted a new 10-year land transport plan with NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi. The plan was prepared by the Regional Transport Committee which has members from all councils in the region and NZTA, and several specialist advisers. The Regional Land Transport Plan describes Hawke’s Bay’s strategic transport objectives to 2034. It also contains the region’s three-year transport funding request to the New Zealand Transport Agency.
The RLTP sets out a 30-year strategic vision for the Hawke’s Bay transport system -
An efficient transport system that is resilient, low emissions, safe, provides genuine and equitable choices, and places community wellbeing at the centre.
Underpinning the 30-year strategic vision are five key strategic objectives. These help to explain what will be done to deliver on the strategic vision. The strategic objectives guide transport system investment decision making.
The five strategic objectives are:
The 2024 – 2034 RLTP is focused on responding to, and rebuilding from, the damage experienced through Cyclone Gabrielle. The Plan places focus on the local and rural roading networks, as well as securing reliable and resilient journeys on our lifeline state highways.
The Regional Public Transport Plan 2022-32 sets out the public transport services that the Regional Council considers essential for the region. It also describes how these services will be managed, the policies and procedures that apply to those services and the infrastructure and information that supports them. The RPTP is also a means for encouraging the Regional Council and public transport operators to work together. The RPTP will next be reviewed in 2024-25.
The Regional Pest Management Plan sets out the framework for managing defined pest plants and animals.
In June 2020, Hawke's Bay Regional Council adopted a revised 2020-25 Strategic Plan outlining the organisation’s strategic priorities over the next five years. These priorities serve as the foundation for the 2021-31 Long Term Plan.
In May 2019, the Regional Council prepared a Strategic Snapshot of programmes and projects – an overview of activities relevant to the Council’s strategic goals.
The current Strategic Plan replaces the 2017-21 Strategic Plan.
The Hawke's Bay Land and Water Management Strategy (LAWMS) is a non-statutory document adopted by the Regional Council in 2011. LAWMS outlines the region’s vision and strategic directions for the future management of land and freshwater. LAWMS contains a number of policies and current priority actions that are relevant to managing land and freshwater resources on a catchment basis. The strategy was developed collaboratively using a multi-sector Reference Group during 2010-11.
The Regional Biodiversity Strategy is a non-statutory regional approach to improve habitats and support native species in Hawke’s Bay. The Regional Council has been the facilitator to develop this shared strategy since 2012. The strategy is a blueprint, weaving together what each organisation does best, and adding a clear vision for how they will work together, to include Māori values and involve the wider community to promote and protect biodiversity values on land plus in freshwater and marine environments.
These documents set out Matariki, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2018 (HBREDS) and Hawke’s Bay Regional Social Inclusion Strategy 2018. We want these strategies to play a real part in economic growth in our region by offering practical guidance to councils, businesses, iwi, hapū, and other organisations and agencies. Some of the strategy is about practical things that we can – or must – do to help growth. We have a lot of things going for us, and we have to make the most of them. Other parts of it are about the things we have to stop doing, whether it’s conflicting interpretation of regulations or needless negativity, because they are getting in the way of growth. We have to be honest about the areas where we’re holding people back, and deal to them. Both parts are important.
HPUDS 2017 has been adopted by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. Napier City Council and Hastings District Council have also adopted the updated 2017 version of the Strategy. The original joint strategy was first adopted in 2010 and then reviewed during 2016.
The Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy is the result of a collaborative approach by the Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke's Bay Regional Council and mana whenua towards managing urban residential and business land development in the Heretaunga Plains sub-region (extending from Tangoio in north, to Waimarama in south) for the period 2015 to 2045.
You can get all the details of the new strategy, the 2016 five yearly review and background reports at the updated website -
With a focus on health, lifestyle and tourism, this plan aims to maximise the economic benefits that return from each of these areas. Through integrated planning, the councils and support agencies across Hawke’s Bay continue to develop and deliver top-quality experiences for walkers and cyclists, plus programmes to increase the cycling confidence of young people and generate related employment opportunities.
The Regional Council Science and Technology Strategy seeks better alignment of the Council’s science interests with those of other key stakeholder groups in the region. It depicts a desired future state for science and technology relevant to the Council’s accountabilities. The Strategy describes how science needs will be prioritised, procured, delivered, used and communicated going forward. The Council will use the Strategy to help minimise overlaps and duplication in research and technology efforts.
The Procurement Policy is a formal statement of principles that outline how the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) will manage the procurement life cycle.
The Procurement Policy is supported by the Procurement Manual which details how to apply the policy principles. The revised procurement policy and procurement manual are consistent with national procurement principles and guidelines and are compliant with relevant legislation. The Policy details what HBRC is required to do to meet national guidelines and the
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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