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Environmental Education for Hawke’s Bay Secondary Schools is about education opportunities in, about and for the environment. Our aim is to ignite sustainable behaviours, the value of personal and collective action against Climate Change and encourage innovation.
Environmental Education for Hawke’s Bay Secondary Schools is about education opportunities in, about and for the environment. Our aim is to ignite sustainable behaviours, the value of personal and collective action against Climate Change and encourage innovation.
Our mahi focusses on motivating and educating our young environmental kaitiaki through education programmes, resources, partnerships, and events.
Our purpose is to create opportunities to experience nature in the outdoors, understand conservation and environmental issues, and to develop knowledge and skills to protect, conserve, and restore our taiao.
Your one-pager go-to for environmental education in secondary schools
Our goal is to support our secondary schools, students, and teachers to ensure a better understanding of our changing climate. We aim to provide support, resources, EOTC opportunities as well as helping to create local curriculum.
Kia ora koutou, ko Hinerangi Price toku ingoa - Environmental Education Community Facilitator.
I am committed to and passionate about kaitiakitanga for our taiao and supporting young people to develop their awareness about and for the environment through personal commitment and action.
I work closely with our Youth Environmental Ambassadors, facilitate the Enviroschools programme, and support secondary schools with local curriculum resources and environmental careers opportunities.
To find out more about environmental education opportunities for Hawke’s Bay secondary schools, contact me on 06 835 9200 or email
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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