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We work with council and our community to engage with Tangata Whenua
Hawke’s Bay has a diverse and culturally rich landscape. Māori are Treaty partners as mana whenua and key members of our community.
Māori make a significant contribution to our region both as mana whenua and treaty partners and also through their ownership of assets; to economic development; participation in co-governance and their growing influence as kaitiaki in the conservation, preservation and management of our natural resources.
[3] Six Taiwhenua geographical areas: Wairarapa, Tāmakinuiārua, Tamatea, Heretaunga, Te Whanganui-ā-Orotu, Te Wairoa
The Group works with Council to:
Access the Pataka mapping tool
This tool uses digital mapping to show the location and extent of iwi and hapū resources in Hawke's Bay. Pātaka brings together all the information held by local and regional Councils, and gives tangata whenua a resource to assist their roles as this region’s kaitiaki. It gives the public access to mapping tools and data without needing specialist Geographic Information System (GIS) skills, thanks to a viewer developed by Hawke’s Bay Local Authority Shared Services Ltd (HBLASS). Pātaka includes the location and contact information for each local marae, customary marine titles, protected customary rights and any iwi/hapū management plans that are available.
Iwi/hapu management plans are tools for understanding the concerns of tangata whenua that may relate to resource management and council planning.
View iwi/hapu maps online - check the geographical extent of a Iwi/Hapu Management Plan using our online maps
There is no prescribed format for an IHMP. However a IHMP is generally a policy statement that formalises the intent of tangata whenua regarding their social, economic, cultural and environmental development. It puts this intent into a form where, once recognised by the Iwi Authority and lodged with a council, it must be considered in council statutory processes under the Resource Management Act 1991 (the Act).
The IHMP helps councils to meet statutory obligations under the Act and as a Treaty partner, it provides clarity on issues of significance to tangata whenua, including clarifying the desired process of engagement for the specific hapu. The IHMP helps tangata whenua raise their important resource management issues in a way where councils must take them into account when preparing or changing regional or district plans.
Guidance for developing IHMP’s is available on the Ministry for the Environment's website- Te Raranga a Mahi: Developing environmental management plans for whanau, hapu and iwi.
To ensure that the Regional Council takes into account the IHMP, it must be first recognised by the relevant Iwi Authority then lodged with the Regional Council.
All IHMP’s must be accompanied by:
Tangata whenua can choose how they want to serve the IHMP on the Regional Council. We welcome an invitation to come to a chosen marae, or iwi/hapu can attend a Regional Planning Committee meeting. Once the Regional Council has recieved the IHMP it will be posted on the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council website and we will take it into account when we are changing our regional plans.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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