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Dogs Get More Fun at Pakowhai

Published: 30 June 2017

Pakowhai Regional Park the first dog to test the new tunnels 2 Copy

Dogs are going to have more fun and exercise in Pākōwhai Regional Park from this weekend.

The park near Hastings is a very popular place to walk dogs and the new dog agility features have been donated by Hastings District Council and installed by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

“The park is popular for dog walking and the new features will give dogs some more interesting places to play in and around,” says Antony Rewcastle, HBRC Senior Open Space Development Officer.

The permanent dog agility features have been designed and built by HBRC Open Spaces and Works Group staff.  HBRC staff have worked with the Hawke’s Bay and Napier Dog Agility Clubs and dog interested groups to get their input into the design and layout.

The agility loop features a starting platform, hurdles, hoops, tunnels, weave poles, ‘catwalk’, see-saw and ramp, which are on a circuit.  Some of these have options for smaller and larger dogs.   

The agility equipment is designed at a basic level to encourage dogs to play and have fun, to appeal to the very wide range of dogs using the park.

The features have also been constructed to blend in with the natural regional park setting.  Although some finishing touches, such as grassing, are still to come, the features will be in action this weekend.

Although it is known as a ‘dog park’, Pākōwhai Regional Park is also popular for families, and HBRC says that dog owners should not be surprised if children challenge themselves with some of the agility options.

Mr Rewcastle says that the features have been designed and constructed to minimise risk of injury to the dogs, but owners are responsible for any injuries that occur.

“Any dogs showing promise on these features and needing more of a challenge might then graduate to attending dog agility club events,” he says.

Photo: The first dog to test out the new dog agility tunnels.


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