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Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund pays out over $1 million to 180 applicants.

Published: 16 June 2023

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The Disaster Relief Fund panel this week approved pay-outs to a further group of 180 applicants totalling $1,191,700. 

Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund and Regional Council Chair Hinewai Ormsby says: “We are very pleased to be able to distribute this money and make a difference to the recovery of our region.”

Mrs Ormsby was also pleased that the extra $1 million from the Red Cross announced on 9 June has already been allocated as part of this group of applications. 

“We have worked hard to get the Red Cross money out to individuals and their communities as quickly as possible,” says Mrs Ormsby. ”Payments will be going into applicant’s bank accounts tomorrow”.

Applications continue to be accepted.  To check the eligibility criteria and to make an application, go to


Need more info?

For information about individual trust fund applications or to ask a general question please call 06 835 9200

Contact Communications Advisor Brendon Lane| Phone 027 320 3523

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