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Published: 13 January 2023
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has become aware that its bus contractor Go Bus, operator of the service goBay, has accepted political advertising from the National Party in Hawke’s Bay and other places.
Regional Council General Manger Policy and Regulation Katrina Brunton says the council can’t prevent this type of advertising under its current contract.
“The council’s intention is that the new contract in 2025 will prevent any political advertising on buses. The Regional Council is not involved in the advertising process and we don’t benefit from it.”
She also noted that the National Party candidate for the Napier seat in the next election is Katie Nimon, the Transport Manager at the Regional Council.
To avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, all Regional Council messaging about transport is now going through the office of Katrina Brunton.
“All transport planning and funding decisions go through my office and the Regional Transport Committee,” says Katrina Brunton.
Mike Johansson, Director Communications and Engagement | 06 835 9200 | 027 263 5986
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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