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Published: 14 July 2016
Consents holders and the public can now view current resource consents on Hawke’s Bay Regional Council website.
“This information is publicly available at our office and by making it available online, it will make it easier for people to get information without having to contact us or to submit formal requests using the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act,” says HBRC’s Resource Consents Manager, Malcolm Miller.
HBRC gets several requests a week for resource consent information, and often the same details are requested by three or four real estate agents or lawyers for a property transaction. This web-based map makes this information now readily available.
On each page of is a panel headed: Online Maps, and a button linking to the Consents map (see below). The resource consent information is one of a number of layers of information that can be viewed on HBRC’s Intramaps system. Intramaps allows a viewer to select a range of layers and fields so they can tailor information to their needs.
The map allows viewers to search either using a resource consent I.D. number or zooming into an area and clicking on a point to view information on the resource consent. A copy of the resource consent document can be viewed and downloaded from here.
The display shows bore and water take consents, discharge consents, and even consents for navigation buoys.
“It’s taken quite a few months to transfer all the consents information over to the digital Intramaps display but now it’s there, it’s a great public reference tool and will be easy to keep up to date,” says Mr Miller.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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