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Published: 4 September 2020
Seven Napier and Hastings schools took part in this year's Conservation Week by planting trees at Lake Tūtira.
In its 28th year, the programme is run by Guthrie Smith Outdoor Education Centre and sponsored by Hawke's Bay Regional Council and Pan Pac Forest Products.
"The whole programme is to show students why conservation is important, what their role is, and show them their own backyard," says Regional Council Environmental Educator Sally Chandler.
"Students learn about native habitats and how conservation relates to them firstly in the classroom (below) before heading up to Lake Tūtira."
"We've had great feedback from students and teachers and are looking forward to getting our next generation excited about conservation."
This year the seven schools funded to take part in the programme are Taradale Primary, Nelson Park and Port Ahuriri schools from Napier along with Raureka, Ebbett Park, St Marys’ and Twyford schools from Hastings.
"Students are bused to Guthrie-Smith Outdoor Education Centre at Tūtira for a hands-on conservation experience. On the way to Tūtira, the bus stops at White Pine Bush reserve, where tamariki experience what a lowland native forest looks like. This area is one of several DOC reserves in the area. Once they get to Tūtira, they head up to hill. The view at the top of the hill is the perfect location to share the cultural and historical significance of Tūtira, all part of the Guthrie-Smith experience."
Find out more about our environmental education programme.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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