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Dumping getting worse

Published: 25 June 2020

Rubbish 4

Rubbish dumping around Napier and Hastings has increased by around 25 per cent in the last few months according to the Regional Council.

When public dump rubbish on the side of the road or beside our rivers, they’re hurting the environment and the community says Regional Council Ranger Mark Brinsdon.

“There’s been a massive increase in dumping since the lockdown ended, and it’s everything you can imagine from household items, concrete blocks, and tyres to animal waste. We reckon it’s because refuse stations were closed, but that’s still no excuse. We’re getting really frustrated,” says Mr Brinsdon.

“Over the last year, rubbish dumping has cost rate payers near on $100,000. With a 25 per cent increase after lockdown, this cost is going to go up.

“Dumping disrespects, the community and our environment, and can be dangerous. The other day rubbish was left in front of an access point to a pump station, which means if our team need to get into it for flood prevention work, they can’t.

“Not only that, but it also affects the oceans, rivers and wildlife. Many animals die in their attempts to eat or get caught up in plastic bags left to blow away in the wind.

“There are so many other options, from recycling to composting, to the tip. People have no excuses for dumping, and it’s disappointing that people continue to dump their personal rubbish.

“I’m asking people to please think about our community and environment. Dumping is not okay, and you’re just handing your problem onto the community - it doesn’t mean it goes away.”

“When we find information that can lead us to the ownership of rubbish, we will be charging the owner for the cost of clean-up and disposal.

 “This is a community issue that can only be solved with community help. I strongly encourage the public to call our pollution hotline on 0800 108 838 when any rubbish dumping is taking place.”

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