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Published: 1 July 2016
There is great news for Express bus commuters in Hawke’s Bay with two new bigger buses taking to the road on Monday 4th July.
The 34 seater buses are twice the size of the existing vehicles and have wheelchair access and bike racks on the front. They will replace the smaller buses currently servicing the Express Service via Clive (Route 11).
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Transport Manager Anne Redgrave says the Route 11 Express via Clive has been one of GoBay’s most valuable services.
“On a really busy day we have had passengers standing on the bus. These new vehicles will double the capacity and solve that problem,” says Mrs Redgrave.
She says they are grateful to the bus operator, Go Bus, for its cooperation in working with GoBay to update and improve the bus fleet in Hawke’s Bay.
“Our aim is always to be continually improving the service that we offer to the public.”
Mrs Redgrave says the new buses come into service ahead of a number of other new developments to public transport for Hawke’s Bay that will come into effect later this year.
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