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Published: 17 June 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is advertising the availability of funding for community groups to provide driver licence training throughout Hawke’s Bay.
Over the past few years, the impact of unlicensed or partially licensed drivers has been noted in road crash and enforcement statistics and by social, justice, education and employment forums across Hawke’s Bay.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has a limited amount of contestable funding available to assist community organisations to provide driver licence training for the next two financial years commencing 1 July 2016 and 1 July 2017.
New Zealand Transport Agency is providing 75% of the fund and the remaining 25% is being provided by a range of stakeholder organisations in Hawke’s Bay.
Funds will be paid to not-for-profit organisations, such as trusts and incorporated societies, which can apply to deliver part or the whole of driver training. Distribution of the fund will be overseen by the regional council driver licensing governance group, with day to day management by staff from the regional council and other contributing organisations.
“The aim of this funding will be to effectively invest in the provision of driver licence programmes in Hawke’s Bay, so we can reduce the crash rate and risk of crashes caused by unlicensed and partially licensed drivers and lower the number of these people in the justice system,” says Cr Alan Dick, Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee and governance group. “Another important goal for the fund will be to improve employment prospects for Hawke’s Bay people who need a driver’s licence to get to work or to carry out a job.”
Information and funding criteria, and application forms are available here or contact HBRC’s Transport Manager on 06 835 9216. Applications close on 15 July 2015.
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