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On track with Annual Plan

Published: 18 April 2019


Following the path laid out in last year’s Long Term Plan, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is well underway with the additional staff, structure and support needed to protect and enhance the environment of Hawke’s Bay.

The Regional Council is also actively responding to the influence of climate change, through programmes such as erosion control, water security, flood protection and coastal hazards. 

“From the Regional Council’s initial environmental focus on priority hotspot areas – such as Tukituki, Ahuriri, Tūtira and Whakakī – to our plans for tree planting, predator reduction, soil retention, improvements to water quality and stronger regulation, we are on the right track to making a difference,” says Regional Council Chair, Rex Graham.

“As we accelerate the Regional Council’s work, supported by the stronger teams in planning, consents, compliance and science, we’re beginning to make some way with new opportunities arising out of our partnerships and the incentives we can now offer,” adds Mr Graham.

This year the Regional Council confirms the forecast general rate increase of 7.9%, which include a 2% adjustment for overheads and inflation.

There are no significant changes to the work plan for the year ahead, based on last year’s Long Term Plan. Rather than consult with the public on this year’s forecast rate increase, the Regional Council will update the community in June on its significant projects, either under way or due to start after 1 July 2019.

Of the $52.7 million budgeted to be spent by the Regional Council in the 2019-20 year, almost 20% will be allocated to transport ($5.2M), 21% to catchment management ($11.2M) and 40% to managing and maintaining assets (21.1M), such as the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme.

Information on the Regional Council’s Annual Plan 2019-20 is at, search: #Annualplans.

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