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Published: 1 November 2018
With summer approaching a new campaign is being launched to encourage people to take extra care not to waste water in the hot, probably dry, months ahead.
Low water levels are an issue that the region faces every summer, and to get people thinking about water conservation now the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Napier City Council and Hastings District Council have joined forces to create the “Saving H2O Is The Way To Go” campaign.
Launched this week, and running until the end of March, the water conservation message will be spread through print, radio, social media, the council websites and digital advertising.
Local people have come on board to help with the campaign, voluntarily sharing tips and tricks that show small actions can make a big difference to prevent water wastage.
Around the home, simple tips include Maia from Camberley’s observation that turning the tap off whilst brushing your teeth can save six litres of water.
“I sing one less song in the shower and save about 50 litres of water,” says young Luca from Taradale, while Mark from Hastings only washes the car windows rather than the whole car: “Saves 100 litres of water, and a litre of sweat,” he says.
Other tips include lifting the lawnmower blade up a notch so the grass is longer and not prone to drying out so fast, not filling the bath up too high, and holding off washing the clothes until there is a full load.
On rural properties, people are also urged to consider how they manage, use and save water.
By making small changes as individuals, we can make a big difference collectively when it comes to conserving water.
Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled in the weeks ahead and get on board with this fun campaign that will help you do your bit to be careful with water, and ensure there is enough for everyone.
For more information about water conservation go to the Napier City Council, Hastings District Council and/or Hawke’s Bay Regional Council websites – remember, a long hot summer doesn’t have to mean getting low on water.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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