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Regional Council extends Port consultation by a week

Published: 31 October 2018

Port of Napier

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has decided to extend the period of community consultation around options for the funding of Napier Port by an extra week.

Submissions will now be received up until 4pm on Thursday 22 November 2018. The dates for hearings remain unchanged and the Regional Council remains committed to making a decision before Christmas.

Regional Council Chair Rex Graham says the Council has decided to extend the submission period due to the high level of interest and public engagement. So far, 344 submissions have been received.

“Submissions are flowing in which is a very good thing. We’ve been very open and transparent throughout this process and we think it’s in the best interests of Hawke’s Bay to extend the consultation period and make sure everyone who wants to have a say can do so,” says Mr Graham.

He says the consultation document has been distributed across Hawke’s Bay and has been available online since 3 October. It is also available from local libraries and regional council offices. The distribution has been backed up by newspaper and radio advertising, a social media campaign, a presence at the Hawke’s Bay A&P Show and drop-in sessions throughout the region.

“No method of distribution is perfect and for those people who have not, for whatever reason, received a consultation document, this extension provides further time to digest the information and have their say.”

People wanting the document can get it on the Regional Council website by emailing their address to  or calling 06 835 9200.

Mr Graham says freepost submission forms are now being distributed across Hawke’s Bay to make it as easy as possible for people to have their say. Submissions can continue to be made online at

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