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Published: 3 May 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has approved the reworked approach to fresh water policy development for the Greater Heretaunga and Ahuriri catchments.
Over the past few months, HBRC staff have reviewed the plan of attack for the Plan Change for the Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū catchments, known as TANK.
The four catchments are being considered together due to the interconnectedness of water in the Heretaunga aquifer, streams and rivers. Water from the aquifer feeds the rivers through springs, while the aquifer is in turn recharged by river water in places. The TANK plan change aims to establish an integrated approach so that the overall quality of fresh water in the catchments is maintained or improved.
HBRC today approved the Master Plan for the plan change development, including the timelines and required outputs on a per catchment basis. The TANK Stakeholder Group Terms of Reference, and Roles and Responsibilities (Collaborative Principles) were also agreed to by Council. “The masterplan represents a major effort ahead for stakeholders and council staff. The Council is enormously grateful that more than 30 community leaders have agreed to give their time and effort to undertaking this master plan of work with us over the next 20 months,” says James Palmer, HBRC Group Manager Strategic Development.
The current timeframe for recommending the TANK plan change to the Council for notification is December 2017. A major driver behind this project is that 222 resource consents for current water takes in the unconfined aquifer areas will expire in May 2019. HBRC needs to provide certainty to consent holders and submitters. Consequently additional HBRC staff resources have been allocated to this project to ensure it delivers on its water quantity and quality objectives.
Finalised TANK documents will be available at, search: #tank
Media contact
James Palmer, Group Manager Strategic Development | P 06 833 8045
Susan Wylie, Senior Communications Coordinator | P 06 835 9208, 027 256 8549
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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