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Published: 11 October 2018
Manager Regional Assets
Exciting leadership role for river and coastal engineering specialist
Hawke’s Bay is recognized nationally as having one of New Zealand’s more diverse and complex river networks and coastlines – this is your chance to truly influence it. This leadership role at Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will see you at the helm guiding a highly capable team of engineers who oversee a diverse portfolio of river and coastal engineering, scheme operations and maintenance and management of the regional park network.
You will oversee a team of sixteen engineering, scheme and park specialists who have functions spanning modelling of river and coastal processes, operations and maintenance of drainage schemes, flood mitigation and regional parks. This is a regional council with a driven executive team determined to optimize its frameworks. Your focus will ensure the transition to a modern asset management operating environment, and that you have a high functioning team known for its collaborative and engaged approach. Coordination and integration of all operational delivery, asset management planning and capital program management sit at the heart of your responsibilities.
Technical expertise and relevant tertiary qualification relating to rivers and coastal processes and monitoring including flood protection, natural hazard management is essential here. For that skill set you will be well rewarded, and you will be in the box set to help ensure this regions waterway and coastline strategies are optimized and future proofed for many generations to come. Asset management planning, team leadership and a known ability in stakeholder engagement will be core offerings in your experience set. We are open to the length of your management experience – you may be on the rise on your career, or already leading at this level and wanting to step through to this rewarding challenge. Either way this is a challenging role with real scale.
You will have a proven record in developing and implementing relevant environmental related asset management strategy, policy and plans. Knowledge of project management practices and of relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice is also a must. In terms of personal and leadership qualities, you will know how to embrace and lead people through change.
If you have the rivers and coastal experience and the leadership qualities to perform in this role then we would love to hear from you. You will be joining a team passionate about Hawke’s Bay.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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