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Published: 24 September 2018
The National Wetland Restoration Symposium is being held this week at the Napier War Memorial Centre (26 – 27 September 2018).
More than 200 people from around New Zealand will gather to hear from presenters from iwi organisations, government and councils, farming sector, universities and consultancies will cover a wide range of wetland related topics.
"It’s exciting to host people here as we’re doing some excellent work restoring wetlands in Hawke’s Bay and can do more, so it will be great to learn some new ideas,” says symposium chair Steve Cave, Hastings District Council (previously Hawke's Bay Regional Council's Open Spaces Manager)
The National Wetland Trust is being supported locally by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Department of Conservation, and Fish and Game Hawke’s Bay to run the symposium which is held every two years in different parts of the country.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council Chairman Rex Graham will welcome conference attendees and set the scene with the work being done to restore wetlands in Hawke's Bay. National Wetland Trust Chairman Tony Roxburgh will give the opening address and he says that time has come for wetlands with the high national interest in the symposium.
The Minister of Conservation Hon Eugenie Sage will be opening the symposium with the first keynote talk.
Australian ecologist Matt Herring is the keynote speaker on Thursday. His insights into working with farmers and corporations restoring wetlands on private land will be valuable to the NZ scene. Matt has 17 years’ experience as an ecologist in Australia, and his consultancy (Murray Wildlife) is contracted by Landcare (Australia) and other community conservation groups, as well as government and industry. His attendance has been sponsored by Fish and Game and the new CEO for Fish & Game New Zealand, Martin Taylor will also be a speaker.
An optional field trip on Friday 28 September will take attendees around the important wetland restoration sites, such as Waitangi Estuary and Pekapeka Swamp plus Ahuriri Estuary, where Napier City Council is planning to improve the quality of stormwater flowing in from the city.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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