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Published: 18 September 2018
Lessons on how to be safe on a boat and in the water are on the way for Central Hawke’s Bay youngsters.
Harbourmaster Martin Moore will be equipping the A W Parson pool in Waipukurau with boat safety equipment so that lifeguards can teach a boat safety programme at the pool. This programme is already in place at pools at Clive, Flaxmere and Wairoa.
Trainer Lisa Campkin from Coastguard boating education will be train the lifeguards on how to deliver programme on Monday 24 September between 10am and 1 pm at the Waipukurau pool.
Harbourmaster Martin Moore says the training kit includes lifejackets, flare kits and communications.
“Lots of children in Central Hawke’s Bay get taken onto launches and jet boats in summer, and need to know how to be safe,” says Harbourmaster Moore.
“The lifeguards do a great job teaching children how to be safe in a pool, so are ideal people in your local community to give basic boat safety lessons, including on how to put on a lifejacket properly.”
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