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Published: 28 August 2018
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Chief Executive James Palmer says the appointment of a senior Māori leader in the organisation will help staff and councillors engage more effectively with Tangata Whenua.
Pieri Munro has been appointed as Te Pou Whakarae (Group Manager, Māori Partnerships). This newly created senior executive role will provide organisation-wide leadership, guidance and representation.
For the last two years Mr Munro has been the National Adviser Māori for WorkSafe New Zealand, where he supported the establishment and recruitment of Māori Safety Champions and was involved in the development of a marae-based forestry health and safety intervention pilot scheme. He has held senior advisory roles in the Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals through MBIE (Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and the NZ Police College. He had an extensive 35-year career with the New Zealand Police rising to the rank of Wellington District Commander. In 2004, Mr Munro was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for his contribution to cultural development of New Zealand Police. He is the current Chair of Medic Alert New Zealand Incorporated and Deputy Chair of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa (PSGE).
James Palmer says this is an exciting new position for the Council, and it is fantastic to be able to attract someone of Pieri Munro’s experience and mana.
“This is an extremely important new role, which will help the Regional Council meet its aspirations for successful partnerships and engagement with Tangata Whenua across the region,” says Mr Palmer.
Pieri Munro starts with the Council on 1 October 2018.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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