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Kahutia Accord sets path to reforest Hawke’s Bay

Published: 24 August 2018

Rex Ngahiwi small

Today’s signing of the Kahutia Accord MOU between Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi incorporated and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council aims to plant millions of trees on the 250,000 ha of erosion-prone land across Hawke’s Bay.

The Kahutia Accord is a formal partnership to assist the region to become New Zealand’s first carbon neutral province by 2040, a target highlighted in the Council’s Strategic Plan.

Ngahiwi Tomoana says the programme’s key outcomes are to lift the overall productivity of the region through increasing the productivity of erosion prone land and reinvigorating both its freshwater and coastal marine environments.

Mr Tomoana is convinced this programme will increase employment numbers particularly in the Wairoa District but across the Kahungunu region.

“We’re setting the scene for the next 100 years. There’s Treaty Post Settlement Groups and whānau opportunities to grow small to large business ventures in products such as honey, rongoa (traditional healing medicines), pest control and tourism,” says Mr Tomoana.

“Not only will we be healing the people but we’ll be healing the land, that’s significant in terms of our sustainability and prosperity” says Mr Tomoana.

Both Mr Tomoana and Rex Graham Chair of the Regional Council say the programme goes to the heart of the Regional Economic Development Plan, Matariki and Social Inclusion Strategy signed by all Hawke’s Bay’s local authorities and key Government agencies in 2017.

“The Kahutia Accord means the real work behind a reforestation programme can start now, to plant more trees to protect erosion prone land and enhance our environment. This will also establish an investment that benefit our ratepayers, the region and Ngāti Kahungunu over the long term,” says Mr Graham.

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated has submitted a Provincial Growth Fund application to the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment and is awaiting a response. In the meantime both HBRC and NKII have initiated the necessary due diligence to ensure programme success.

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