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Published: 22 August 2018
Coastal hazard initiatives like sea walls, groynes and beach renourishment are a step closer for coastal communities from Clifton to Tangoio.
“We recently got sign-off from the three partner councils on the pathways recommended by our community assessment panels this year, so that’s a big step forward,” says Coastal Hazards Joint Committee Chair Peter Beaven.
“There’s still a lot of hard work ahead for the Joint Committee of councils. More detailed costings on priority cells, agreeing the funding arrangement between councils and further consultation with our Hawke’s Bay community is yet to come,” adds Mr Beaven.
“How costs are shared between coastal dwellers and the rest are all part of the work plan to implement the strategy,” says Mr Beaven.
“And then we need to start thinking about other vulnerable parts of the Hawke’s Bay coastline in Mahia and to the south," he adds.
Hastings District, Napier City and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councils are now preparing the next stage of the long-term coastal hazards strategy, after all three councils signed off on one-hundred year recommendations for a pathways model that ranges from building coastal defences to shifting sections of communities away from at-risk areas.
Two community-led assessment panels ploughed through an aggressive work programme in 2017, to deliver preferred options, known as pathways, across nine coastal areas.
The focus of work now turns to developing and testing the pathway concepts, to be ready for resource consent applications, as well as how the funding model will operate.
The last, iterative step of physical implementation works and the timing of this will depend reaching the triggers for each pathway.
More information on the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 is at
Recent videos:
Case Study: Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120
Coastal Hazards Strategy and the role of ‘Living at the Edge’ team
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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