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Te Wai Mauri Waiohiki Planting Day

Published: 26 July 2018

Waiohiki Planting Day last year2

The Plant Thru Winter planting this Saturday 28 July will see the local community carry on a project to improve the margin of the Tūtaekurī River at Waiohiki (near Taradale).

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has been working with Waiohiki Marae to enhance the river margin upstream of the Waiohiki Bridge and this will be the third community planting event.  The marae and council want to improve the biodiversity and cultural values of the river side by incorporating more native trees and plants alongside the flood control willow plantings. Waiohiki Planting Day last year

The Regional Council’s Works Group has also recently planted a large number of native plants along the river.

“The planting event on Saturday will cover an 80 metre length of margin to join the Works Group efforts with last year’s community planting, and we’ll welcome everyone who comes to help enhance this area,” says Te Kaha Hawaikirangi, HBRC’s Project Manager who is coordinating this event with his home marae.

The planting event will be on Saturday from 9am, meeting at 34 Waiohiki Road.  The event will finish off with the usual barbecue to celebrate the combined efforts.

Photo: Lots of people helped with the planting in 2017

New Plant Thru Winter Event

This was originally expected to be the regional council’s final Plant Thru Winter community event for 2018, but community initiatives have really taken off this year, and there will be a new event at Poraiti on Sunday 12 August. 

Wharerangi Marae will be assisting Hohepa to enhance Te Whanganui o Orotu - Ahuriri Estuary at the Taipo Stream, and they would appreciate a helping hand from the local community.  The water quality in the estuary needs to be improved and this work is part of a larger enhancement plan by Hohepa which includes predator control.

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