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Published: 18 July 2018
Following requests from bus passengers, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council now allows small dogs and cats to travel, free of charge, on goBay public transport in off-peak times.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Transport Coordinator Megan Welsby says, “We already welcome guide dogs and special assistance service dogs onboard goBay bus services. But we also get calls from people who need to get their dogs and cats to the vet with no other means of transport, so this will certainly be a help for them.”
The animals must be contained in a pet carrier, which can sit on the passenger’s knee during the journey.
Off-peak times are 9am to 3pm on weekdays and anytime during the weekend or public holidays.
More information:
For conditions of carriage of dogs and cats go to, search #businfo
For a copy of the Conditions of Carriage, contact Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on 06 835 9200, or email
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