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Twyford Planting Event Kicks off Stream Strategy

Published: 5 July 2018

HBRC PlantThruWinter Logos FA Copy3

The Plant Thru Winter planting this Saturday 7 July will be a strong community project with Twyford orchardists and their families leading the way.  They will still appreciate volunteers joining in to give a helping hand. 

The planting will kick off a five year plan for the restoration of the Raupare Stream, associated with the local irrigation take consent.

“Lots of orchardists, their staff, landowners and children will be involved in planting about 1400 trees this time, but many more over the next five years,” says Jerf van Beek of the Twyford Irrigators Group.

“Twyford School is also getting involved and the students will have their own stretch of the Raupare to plant up from next year.”

The Raupare Stream is part of the Karamū Stream catchment, and is spring fed from the Heretaunga Plains aquifer.  Twyford start of 5 year Raupare strategy 1 Copy`

The Raupare Enhancement Strategy sets targets to enhance the stream and improve water quality.  The five year planting programme aims to develop a native bird corridor and instream habitats, while continuing to provide flood capacity drainage for the high value production land, access for maintenance and work in with surrounding cropping land. 

The enhancement is fully funded by the Twyford irrigators and is being done in partnership with the Department of Conservation, Fish and Game NZ, Kohupatiki Marae, Heretaunga Taiwhenua, other hapū representatives, HB Fruitgrowers and HortNZ, supported by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

The planting event will be on Saturday from 9am meeting at 92 Trotter Road, Twyford.  The event will finish off with a BBQ  to celebrate the combined efforts.

PHOTO: The Twyford planting in action on Saturday morning.

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