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Published: 27 June 2018
Spending an hour watching the number of birds in the garden is something simple anyone can do, and provides valuable information for local biodiversity restoration groups about how their projects are benefiting the environment.
The annual NZ Garden Bird survey is on again from 30 June to 8 July. The survey is a citizen science project organised by Landcare Research and supported in the region by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay and Cape to City.
“It’s a simple idea – spend one hour in your garden or local park and count the numbers of different birds you see, and the results you send in can then be used by the people working to improve our biodiversity in the region,” says Genevieve Bennett, Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay’s project manager.
Results for the 2017 survey shows national and regional trends, with an increase in greenfinch, kereru, tui, bellbird and fantail populations for Hawke’s Bay.
“We are pleased with the amount of feedback we get from the community about the numbers of native birds people see around their homes. It’s good to know that the community planting efforts and pest control are helping to make healthier native bird populations,” said Rod Dickson, HBRC’s Biodiversity officer.
The survey can be completed online Landcare Research’s website, Public libraries in the region have copies of the brochure and the survey form.
The website has photos and information to help people identify less familiar birds, and people can also add photos of birds they see, or post these on the Facebook page for NZ Garden Birds.
There are also fun activities for schools and families, such as quizzes, mask making and colouring competitions.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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