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Published: 22 May 2018
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Plant Thru Winter programme kicks off with the first public planting event of the season at Waitangi Regional Park this weekend.
‘Plant thru Winter’ encourages local people to play an active part in the environment, while also highlighting the environmental enhancement work being done by tāngata whenua, schools and farmers.
The first ‘Plant Thru Winter’ event is on 26 May from 9am – 12noon at Waitangi Regional Park, where people will help with in-fill planting for the wetlands created last year near the Ātea a Rangi Star Compass. This is also a “Great Give” event coordinated by the Real Exchange, an online community marketplace that helps locals to connect to trade services and get things done. People who want to plant can register and find details on
“Planting sessions are fun events for families and friends who also get the satisfaction of seeing their plants grow over time,” says HBRC Open Spaces Manager, Stephen Cave.
“We make it really easy for people to enjoy their planting experience by pre-digging holes. Then there’s the reward in coming years when we will see a flourishing wetland or new patch of native bush where birds and other creatures have moved in.”
There are five other ‘Plant Thru Winter’ public events in June. The main focus of planting is the Karamū Stream, which drains a large portion of the Heretaunga Plains including city stormwater and runoff from rural land. As a result, water quality in the stream remains poor, but planting the edges and wetlands will help to improve this, while new trees also improve habitats for birds, insects and fish.
The regional council has also identified places in the Karamū catchment where a significant difference could be made with extra work. The public planting at these “Hot Spots” are at the new Wahaparata wetland by 236 Brookfield Road, Havelock North and alongside the stream at Whakatu. Other 'Plant Thru Winter' events will be at Pukehu on St Georges Road, Hastings, also alongside the Karamū, and at a second event at Waitangi Regional Park.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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