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Published: 19 April 2018
A national environmental report released today backs up the direction proposed in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Long Term Plan, currently out for public consultation.
Our Land 2018 is the latest report in the environmental reporting series published by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. It shows the state of our biodiversity and ecosystems and our soil resources is continuing to decline.
Deputy Secretary at the Ministry for the Environment Penny Nelson says the report makes it clear that we need to pay attention to what’s going on in our soil and that our land use decisions are putting our environment under pressure.
The report comes as the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council wraps up a series of public consultation meetings for its 10-year plan called Facing our Future 2018-28. The Regional Council’s 10-year plan proposals include a strengthened environmental focus, with emphasis on land, water and biodiversity. The plan includes upscaling and accelerating work in land and water management, with stronger regulation and more incentives for change.
Regional Council Chairman Rex Graham says the national report out today affirms that the Regional Council is right on the money with its 10-Year Plan.
“This new national report makes for disturbing reading, but I am heartened that as a region we are looking to make changes to improve our land and waterways,” says Mr Graham.
The report highlights concerns about soil erosion, intensive agriculture, and declining biodiversity across New Zealand.
Rex Graham says the Regional Council’s 10-year Plan proposes restoring wetlands, planting more trees on the most erosion-prone hill country and river and stream banks.
“The report notes greater investment in science and monitoring of land and biodiversity is required. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council fully agrees and is pleased to be able to play its part in this effort within the proposed Long Term Plan.”
“This new national report comes as no surprise to us and as a community we need to dig further into our pockets and support the Regional Council’s work.”
Full details of the report are available on the Ministry for the Environment website
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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