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Improvements to Route 12 bus service effective on Monday

Published: 31 March 2016


Thursday March 31, 2016

Hawke’s Bay bus commuters are being advised of a change to the Napier to Hastings Route 12 to ensure the bus service remains on time in peak hours.

From Monday 4th April Route 12 buses that go through Greenmeadows before 8.50am and after 3.30pm will no longer travel through Tait Drive in Greenmeadows, instead taking a more direct route down Kennedy Road and Gloucester Street. The change applies to buses travelling in both directions

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Transport Coordinator John Adams says Route 12 between Napier and Hastings is GoBay’s busiest service and the change will ensure the buses remain on time.

“When the Route 12 buses are carrying students to schools and EIT they tend to fall behind time - this change should mean they are able to stick to the scheduled timetable,” says Mr Adams.

He says any Tait Drive residents who want to use a peak-time bus can walk through to Kennedy Road, where two new bus stops have been created opposite Anderson Park and just north of the Taradale Road/Kennedy Road roundabout.

Mr Adams says outside of peak hours the buses will continue to travel through Tait Drive.

“We are always looking for ways the make the bus service more reliable and these changes should assist with that.”

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