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Published: 13 April 2018
A group of people with interests in Hawke’s Bay marine and coastal issues have collaborated to increase research into the local marine area.
The Marine and Coastal Research Roadmap was presented to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Environment and Services Committee this week, ahead of a formal launch in June.
The roadmap has been developed by the Hawke’s Bay Marine and Coastal Group that was established in 2016. This group includes recreational and commercial fishers, tangata whenua and government agencies and is chaired by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council science staff.
The group came together following concerns about the localised depletion of inshore finfish stocks and environmental degradation in the Hawke’s Bay sea area. They have develop the roadmap over the past 18 months.
The aim is to guide future marine research in a collaborative way to ensure the restoration and ongoing health of the marine area and habitats in the future.
“This roadmap is a great step towards improving the marine environment, and a range of organisations are committed to this process,” said Oliver Wade, HBRC coastal scientist.
A variety of research is proposed under three themes: terrestrial and coastal linkages; ecosystems and habitats; and fisheries. The principles of Matauranga Māori, kaitiakitanga and consideration of climate change impacts are fundamental to all of the themes.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council increased the funding of its coastal and marine science through the ‘hot spot’ funding last year, and proposes further additional funding in the proposed long term plan. The group intends to secure additional funding for the wide range of research through other agencies with management responsibilities in the marine space.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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