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Group Manager Asset Management Job Description (Vacancy 18-919)

Published: 29 March 2018

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Hawke's Bay Regional Council is now seeking a full-time Group Manager to lead their Asset Management team in Napier, NZ.

This pivotal Executive role will see you responsible for the effective management of Council’s infrastructure assets, in accordance with relevant asset management plans

More specifically, your key duties will include (but will not be limited to):

  • Leading, developing, monitoring and managing the Engineering, Asset Management and associated Service Delivery arms of the Council;
  • Coordinating work outputs required from a range of staff/disciplines, ensuring those outputs are fit for purpose;
  • Managing a variety of waterways in the Region to enhance the ecology and biodiversity values together with cultural and recreational values while maintaining effective flood control and drainage infrastructure;
  • Planning and future proofing Council’s Asset Management programme; and
  • Providing a positive contribution to Council's Executive Management team.

Job description

If you have any further enquiries you can contact Viv Moule (HR Manager) or 06 833 8072

Applications close 25th April 2018


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