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Published: 13 March 2018
The proposed Regional Pest Management Plan has been getting positive feedback in its final week of consultation.
“Submitters have been largely positive about the direction of the proposed plan, and we have been talking with people who have questions about how it will work in practical terms,” says Mark Mitchell, Principal Biosecurity Advisor.
“There is still time for people to submit or contact us about any concerns.”
The proposed plan has been out for consultation since the beginning of February, and followed a discussion document that had feedback last year.
Submissions close this Friday, 16 March. Information and a submission form is online at, Search #RPMP.
The goal of the proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-38 is to limit the adverse effects of unwanted plants, animals, horticultural and marine pests. These invasive species can have wide ranging effects in Hawke’s Bay on human health, native plants and animals, heritage and economy.
Major changes proposed in the plan are -
When finalised, this Plan will replace the current Regional Pest and Phytosanitary Management Strategies.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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