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Fun for Dogs Coming to 'Paws at Pakowhai'

Published: 22 February 2018


The second ‘Paws at Pākōwhai’ event for dogs is coming to Pākōwhai Regional Park next month.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is inviting dogs of every size to bring their humans along for some fun in ‘the dog park’ on Pākōwhai Road near Hastings, between 9 and 11 am on Saturday 10 March.

“Our first event last year was held in the rain but was still fun for everyone, and we’re pleased to have the support from dog owners and sponsors to repeat this event, hopefully in better weather,” says Stevie Smidt, HBRC’s Open Spaces Development Officer.

The promotion this year features Belle, who won the ‘Pākōwhai Pin Up Pooch’ photo competition last year.  While Lupin Bay Photography will be on site again to take dog portraits, Belle will continue her reign, as Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff have dreamed up a new competition this year to make use of the new dog asset in the park. The competition this year will be for the fastest dog around the dog agility course that the regional council installed in the centre of the park last year. 

“There could be some strong competition to get around the agility course at speed, and our message to all dogs planning to become the Pākōwhai agility champ is to get in some practice in the park ahead of the event,” says Mr Smidt. 

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff will be on hand at ‘Paws at Pākōwhai’ to talk about park developments.  Hastings District Council’s dog control team will be on hand to provide advice on exercise and dog control. There will also be information about changes to the park entry when the roundabout is constructed outside the park.

Sharon Marshall from Vet Associates will be attending with a microchip scanner again, as she was busy last year checking for faulty chips and giving advice on pet health.  Other stands will feature dog focussed services and products. 

There will be plenty of spot prizes and treats for the canines, while their humans can enjoy a sausage sizzle and barista coffee (cash for purchases is advisable).


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